From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Recovery efforts begin in Oklahoma and Kansas

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 06 May 1999 13:43:06

May 6, 1999	News media contact: Linda Green*(615)742-5470*Nashville,
Tenn.     10-21-71B{252}

The tornado that swept through Oklahoma May 3 left a United Methodist church
so heavily damaged that it has been condemned by the local fire marshal.

Mulhall United Methodist Church, Mulhall, Okla., located about 30 miles
north of Oklahoma City, Okla. is to be torn down.  

Oklahoma Bishop Bruce Blake made this announcement in a May 5 report to 150
clergy and lay people gathered at St. Luke's United Methodist Church,
Oklahoma City to explore how they can minister to those who sustained heavy

"We are called to be ambassadors of hope in all we do," Blake said,  as he
reviewed the losses United Methodists have experienced. In addition to the
Mulhall church, he said one United Methodist family is grieving the death of
a four-year-old-child, at least 150 families are homeless and two parsonages
were destroyed.

In Oklahoma City, at least 45 people were killed, more than 500 injured,
more than 1,500 buildings destroyed and miles of damage were left in the
aftermath of the series of monster tornadoes that moved across the state.
The death toll is expected to rise. It is estimated that at least 45
tornadoes were sighted.   

"The task before us will not be completed in 30 days," Blake declared.
"Disaster survivors will still be needing our help two years from now, long
after the tornado is old news and other agencies have moved on." 

He pointed out the purpose of the United Methodist disaster response and
recovery effort is to help people who may not receive sufficient assistance
from federal, state and other voluntary organizations.

"Providing spiritual care is at the heart of our ministry," Blake said. "We
want to reach out to all people, not just to our church family. Listening is
one of the most important ministries we can offer."

Reaching out to all people is what Kansas United Methodist are trying to do
in the aftermath of the May 3 tornado that tore through Haysville and
Wichita. People are being asked to donate to the Kansas Area Disaster Fund
so that needs may be met. Grants, in the average of $500, will be made from
the fund at the request of a United Methodist pastor. Grant recipients do
not have to be United Methodist.  Contributions designated for the Kansas
Area Disaster Fund, maybe sent to the Kansas West Conference, 9440 E.
Boston, Ste. 110, Wichita, Kan 67207-3600.

United Methodist response to the Kansas tornadoes is being coordinated
through the Mennonite Disaster Services.  Individual or teams wanting to
assist with clean-up are encouraged to call 316-554-8522 to offer their
services and receive information about where they are needed.

According to the Rev. Will Glaser, pastor of Haysville United Methodist
Church, what is needed immediately are boxes, duct tape, roofing nails,
mops, brooms and trash sacks. The church's activity center is being used as
a command post.

In Oklahoma, Larry Acton, director of conference Volunteers-in-Mission, has
enlisted local churches to organize clean-up crews to begin cleanup efforts
in the devastated areas on May 9. Teams will be organized left to rebuild

The Rev. Patricia Malloy, pastor of Village United Methodist Church,
Oklahoma City, is directing a ministry of trained caregivers who will visit
two-by-two in neighborhoods that were hardest hit to survey needs, to
listen, and to offer comfort and hope. The caregivers will begin outlying
their strategies May 8.

Oklahoma United Methodists are not working alone. "We are receiving
tremendous support from the United Methodist connection," Acton said. 

Officials from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) have been
deployed to Oklahoma and Kansas to assist which relief and recovery efforts.
UMCOR's strategic command mobile unit is expected to arrive May 6.

People who want to contribute to relief can make donations to the United
Methodist Committee on Relief's Domestic Disaster Response #901670-1.
Designate the check for "Kansas," "Oklahoma," or "Kansas and Oklahoma."
Donations may be placed in church offering plates or sent directly to UMCOR
at 475 Riverside Drive, Room 330, New York, N.Y. 10115.  Credit card
donations may be made by calling (800)554-8583.

# # #
Boyce Bowdon, director of communications for the Oklahoma Annual Conference,
and Kathy Kruger Noble, coordinator of communications for the Kansas West
Annual Conference, contributed significantly to this story.

United Methodist News Service

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