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Oklahoma, Kansas Disciples effected by

From "Disciples Off. of Communication"<>
Date 07 May 1999 09:53:03

Date: May 7, 1999
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the Web:


	INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- Oklahoma and Kansas 
Disciples were among those who experienced the 
fury of destructive tornadoes in the region May 
3. Week of Compassion, the relief fund of the 
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has 
already sent $15,000 to the Christian Church in 
Oklahoma for assistance to church members. 
Another $6,000 has been sent to help three Kansas 

	A member of Hillcrest Christian Church, Oklahoma 
City, Beverly Arthur, was killed. Among the 2,000 
homes destroyed in Oklahoma City and suburbs were 
30 belonging to members of the Christian Church 
(Disciples of Christ). Some 14 homes received 
considerable damage.

	Both the First Christian Church, Stroud, and 
First Christian Church, Crescent, were damaged. 
The basement of the Crescent church is full of 

	Del City Christian Church is serving as an aid 
station. Church members are working with an 
adjacent apartment building to clean vacant 
apartments and make them ready for families left 
homeless by the storm. Other Oklahoma Disciples 
congregations are sending equipment and supplies 
for use in Del City.

	Updates on Disciples needs in Oklahoma are being 
posted on the regional web site:

	In Kansas, the sanctuary of First Christian 
Church, Haysville, was destroyed and there may be 
serious structural damage to the rest of the 
building.  The homes of three Haysville families 
were destroyed. Six Wichita Disciples families 
have also been left homeless. Five are part of 
Faith Christian Church, one at Hillside Christian 
Church. Updated information is being posted at:

	Financial gifts to aid the clean-up and recovery 
efforts can be sent to Week of Compassion, PO Box 
1986, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1986. Additional 
Week of Compassion response will be posted at

     -- end --

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