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Resolutions on Yugoslavia, other concerns, adopted by bishops

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 07 May 1999 10:28:36

May 7, 1999 News media contact: Tim Tanton*(615)742-5470*Nashville, Tenn.

NOTE: The full texts of the resolutions adopted by the Council of Bishops
are at the end of this story.

CHATTANOOGA (UMNS) - The top clergy leaders of the United Methodist Church
are calling on both NATO and Yugoslavia's leadership to end the fighting in
the Balkans.

The Council of Bishops condemned NATO's use of force and the ethnic
cleansing carried out by Yugoslavia in a resolution adopted May 6. The
statement was one of a handful adopted by the bishops on the next-to-last
day of their May 1-7 meeting.

"While we condemn the processes of ethnic cleansing, weep for its victims,
and condemn its ideology and practice, we note that the bombing, while
failing to alter this evil reality, has intensified the suffering of real
people, our sisters and brothers, who are representative of different sides
in this conflict," the bishops stated in their resolution on Yugoslavia.

In the resolution, the bishops called for:
*	Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic "to cease the practice and
to refute the ideology of ethnic cleansing now;"
*	"NATO to cease the bombing and the denial of the delivery of
essential goods to the people of Yugoslavia now;"
*	The negotiation of a "just peace" under United Nations guidelines;
*	The United Methodist Church, the interfaith community and the NATO
governments "to initiate an immediate 'Marshall Plan' for the suffering
people of the Balkans."

After adopting that resolution, the bishops moved on to discuss a resolution
supporting the people of Vieques, Puerto Rico. The island of Vieques has
been used by the U.S. Navy as a target in bombing exercises and related
training activities. In April, the bombing killed a civilian who was serving
in an observation post and resulted in the injury of other people.

The resolution was proposed by Bishop Juan Vera-Mendez of the Methodist
Church of Puerto Rico. Its measures included sending a letter to the
president of the United States, the secretary of the Navy and the governor
of Puerto Rico, requesting that bombing practices and military activities be

Bishop Charlene Kammerer of the denomination's Charlotte (N.C.) Area gave a
moving statement in support of the resolution. Her son was on a destroyer in
the John F. Kennedy Carrier Group, which carried out the bombing. The death
of the civilian resulted from a misfire by a "smart bomb," Kammerer said.

"I firmly support this resolution," she told the bishops. "I fiercely love
my son, and I firmly stand for anything" that is against war, she said.

# # # 

Resolution Concerning the Situation in the Republic of Yugoslavia

Standing under the directives of Jesus, as clearly expressed in the Sermon
on the Mount, regarding peace, forgiveness and reconciliation, and,
affirming the conviction of the United Methodist Church as expressed in the
Social Principles, "though coercion, violence and war are presently the
ultimate sanctions in international relations, we reject them as
incompatible with the Gospel and the spirit of Christ," the Council of
Bishops expresses its condemnation for the use of force by NATO in
While we condemn the processes of ethnic cleansing, weep for its victims,
and condemn its ideology and practice, we note that the bombing, while
failing to alter this evil reality, has intensified the suffering of real
people, our sisters and brothers, who are representative of different sides
in this conflict. Governments posture while people die!

Thus, noting the flood of refugees, the suffering of all concerned and the
failure of war to bring peace with justice, we:

1. 	Call upon Slobodan Milosevic to cease the practice and refute the
ideology of ethnic cleansing, NOW;
2. 	Call upon NATO to cease the bombing and the denial of the delivery
of essential goods to the people of Yugoslavia, NOW;
3. 	Call upon all political leaders to gather as one under U.N.
guidelines so as to negotiate a just peace; and
4. 	Call upon our church, the interfaith community, and the United
States government and the governments of NATO to initiate an immediate
"Marshall Plan" for the suffering people of the Balkans.

We pledge our offices, our lives and the authority of the Council of Bishops
to help these several calls become realities.

# # #

Resolution of Supporting the People of Vieques, Puerto Rico

Whereas the people of the island of Vieques suffer during decades the
presence of military practices of the U.S. Navy;

Whereas the situation has been aggravated by the bombing practices and
related activities;

Whereas the continuous bombing destroys the environment, affects the health
of the population and contaminates the air, water and soil;

Whereas the official government information reveals the highest rate of
cancer conditions among the population of Puerto Rico;

Whereas the bombing practices caused recently the death of a civilian, who
was serving in an observation post;

Whereas the General Conference of the United Methodist Church as well as the
Puerto Rico Annual Conference adopted resolutions expressing their
solidarity with the people of Vieques in their most ardent desire that the
U.S. Navy cease its military activities, repair whatever damages it has
caused and transfer all the land that is currently occupied to the Puerto
Rico government;

Therefore, but it resolved:
1. 	That the United Methodist Council of Bishops reaffirms the support
to the people of Vieques in their suffering condition.
2. 	The Council of Bishops will send a delegation to join the bishop of
the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico to visit the island of Vieques as a
testimony of solidarity and support with the people who suffer in Vieques.
3. 	That a letter will be sent to the president of the United States,
secretary of the Navy and the governor of Puerto Rico requesting the cease
of the bombing practices and military activities.
4. 	To solicit the General Board of Church and Society to advocate among
the members of the U.S. Congress in the implementation of this resolution.

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