From the Worldwide Faith News archives

SMU board adds sexual orientation to policy, denies same-sex

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 12 May 1999 12:34:29


May 12, 1999 News media contact: Linda Green*(615)742-5470*Nashville, Tenn.

By United Methodist News Service*

The trustees of United Methodist-related Southern Methodist University (SMU)
have approved adding the term "sexual orientation" to the school's
nondiscrimination policy, but they have voted against extending benefits to
same-sex domestic partners.

The May 7 votes on the two issues related to sexual orientation were in
response to recent proposals made by students and faculty. 

In February, the student body of the Dallas-based school passed a referendum
requesting the term "sexual orientation" be added to the university's
nondiscrimination policy. In an April resolution, the faculty senate
supported the addition of same-sex domestic benefits to the university's
benefits package.

When the students' referendum passed, the university administration outlined
issues that needed to be addressed and presented the matter to the board of
trustees in March. The trustees referred the item to their legal affairs
committee, which brought its findings before the entire board on May 7.

After much deliberation, the trustees decided to add sexual orientation to
the language of SMU's nondiscrimination, affirmative and equal opportunity

The trustees also decided the university should continue to limit its
employee benefit coverage to traditional family relationships, rather than
extend benefits to same-sex domestic partners. 

The amended nondiscrimination policy will read as follows: "The University
expects its campus community to respect the rights and dignity of all of its
members in matters of personnel consideration, admissions, or academic
evaluation. The University is committed to policies and actions that assure
and promote equality of access and opportunity to its education and
employment programs. All individuals shall be afforded the full rights and
privileges which are inherent in living, studying, working and visiting on
the campuses of Southern Methodist University. This commitment also includes
the principle of nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation."

The board cited two reasons for its decision against extending benefits to
same-sex domestic partners, according to a university news release. The
trustees believe benefits should be extended upon a broad base of employees,
rather than a small group of employees. The board also considered the
cumulative budgetary impact if SMU were to "accede" to the many requests for
benefits covering small groups of employees, even though any one case may be

Another concern was that if the benefits for same-sex domestic partners were
broadened, should that expansion also apply to other relationships, such as
unmarried opposite-sex couples and their families, and adult family members
who are dependent upon employees?

The decision to amend the school's policy to include sexual orientation was
made because "university policies are broadly stated to ensure that the
rights and dignities of all individuals are respected," said board Chairman
W.R. Howell. Those rights have "implicitly include(d) protection against
discrimination and harassment in the case of sexual orientation," he said.

The board granted the students' request to make the protection more explicit
by adding the language to the nondiscrimination policy, Howell said.

"We are reaffirming what our policies have stated all along - that all
persons are worthy of freedom from discrimination and harassment," said SMU
President Gerald Turner. The university is committed to providing "all
members of our community with a positive and nurturing environment for
living and learning," he said.

In making the policy change, the board made three stipulations:

*	University policy will not restrict freedom of religion. This means
that SMU will not interfere with religious groups' established criteria for
those who hold leadership positions when the criteria are based on religious
*	SMU cannot require adherence to its policies by government agencies
or external organizations that associate with SMU but are not controlled by
the university.
*	The policy does not extend benefits or remedies to any student,
faculty, or staff member beyond those already provided for under other
policies of the university.
# # #
*Information for this story is adapted from a May 7 news release from the
News and Information Office of Southern Methodist University.

United Methodist News Service

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