From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Former Synod Bishop Resigns from Clergy Roster

Date 14 May 1999 16:01:37


May 14, 1999


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Ronald Hasley, 63, the former bishop of the
Northern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA), resigned as an ordained ELCA pastor May 7, following allegations
that he engaged in improper sexual conduct and sexual contact with
several adult women while he was bishop.
     Hasley served as bishop of the ELCA Northern Illinois Synod,
Rockford, from 1987-1998.  Hasley was already retired and out of
active pastoral ministry when the allegations were received, said the
Rev. Gary M. Wollersheim, current bishop of the Northern Illinois Synod.
     Several women made complaints, four of which are written,
establishing that Hasley's actions, attitudes and language toward them
violated the ELCA's expectations for ordained ministers, and constituted
sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, according to a statement from
the synod.
     On April 28, the Rev. H. George Anderson, presiding bishop of the
ELCA, and Wollersheim notified pastors and constituents of the synod of
information received about Hasley.  They noted that the behavior was
"not in keeping with the church's expectation that every place of work
and ministry be free of all forms of harassment, abuse or mistreatment
of persons," according to the synod's statement.
     Following receipt of the complaints, Hasley signed an agreement
prohibiting his exercising pastoral ministry in the synod or elsewhere
while remaining on the clergy roster as a retired pastor.  On May 7, he
resigned from the ELCA's clergy roster.
     "The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is committed to be a
safe place for all persons in all of its expressions congregations,
synod and the churchwide organization," said Wollersheim. "Our church
does not tolerate misconduct.  We offer our synod's support for those
who came forward, and I pray all concerned will know God's healing and
     "I am very sorry," Hasley said.  "Furthermore, I regret that my
actions have caused difficulties for the congregations and staff of the
Northern Illinois Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
My hope is that the disclosure action will begin a healing process."
     Pastoral care and support have been offered to all concerned,
including the women who came forward with complaints, and Hasley and his
family, Wollersheim added.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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