From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Florida-Bahamas Synod Settles Court Case

Date 18 May 1999 11:12:07


May 18, 1999

        CHICAGO (ELCA) * The Florida-Bahamas Synod, one of 65 synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), will pay $250,000 in a settlement to a Fort Lauderdale woman who was abused in counseling by a former pastor in the synod.
        In her suit, Kerry Fitzgerald claimed that then-Rev. Conny Sjostrom initiated improper sexual contact with her in 1992, early in her counseling sessions with him.  Fitzgerald reported the misconduct in 1994, and Sjostrom resigned immediately when confronted by the Rev. Lavern G. Franzen, who was then bishop of the Florida-Bahamas Synod.
        At the time of improper conduct, Sjostrom was serving as a drug and alcohol counselor at St. Francis Chapel in Fort Lauderdale, an ELCA congregation that has since disbanded.  During the trial Fitzgerald's attorneys suggested the synod knew about Sjostrom's improper conduct, a point denied by the synod.
        A Broward County jury found the Florida-Bahamas Synod was negligent in its supervision of Sjostrom and awarded $116,800 for pain and suffering and for additional therapy costs.  The jury also said the synod should pay punitive damages, but the case was settled May 6 before any final ruling was entered.  
        The jury cleared the churchwide organization of the ELCA of responsibility in the case.  Fitzgerald had included the church body in her original suit.  Sjostrom himself settled earlier with Fitzgerald.
        "As was the case with my predecessor (Franzen), I have zero tolerance for sexual misconduct by any of our rostered persons," said the Rev. William B. Trexler, current bishop of the Florida-Bahamas Synod. Trexler said the ELCA and the synod are committed "to keeping the church a safe place for all people."


For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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