From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Groundbreaking service held for Columbus

From "Disciples Off. of Communication"<>
Date 20 May 1999 11:49:28

Date: May 20, 1999
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the Web:


	COLUMBUS, Ohio (DNS) -- The groundbreaking, May 
2, for the first unit of New Fellowship Christian 
Church here signaled the start of a building 
project that will include 400 volunteers from 
across the country before it is finished in 

	The 80-member church is the first Disciples 
congregation to have a building erected through 
Vision Builders! Construction. Beginning June 1 
through Sept. 1, volunteers will help church 
members build an 8,000 square foot facility 
located in southeast Columbus. 

	The Rev. David Foster, pastor, and Nolita 
Squires, an associate minister at the church, led 
guests in a service of worship and celebration at 
the construction site. Other participants 
included the Rev. Jim Bane, Ohio associate 
regional minister, and the Rev. Deborah Thompson, 
director of Vision Builders!. Thompson thanked 
New Fellowship members for allowing the greater 
church to be a part of their congregation's 
growth and ministry.  

	Charleta Taveras, a New Fellowship member and 
City Council representative, joined Foster and 
other church members -- including founding 
members Audrey Cobb, secretary; Annette Shelton, 
moderator; and Dolores Foster, wife of the Rev. 
David Foster -- in actually "breaking ground" for 
the new sanctuary.

	Also on hand were the Rev. Chuck Babcock and 
Burnell Babcock, and Earl and Gretchen Watson, 
who will live on-site during the summer. A 
retired Disciples pastor, Chuck Babcock serves as 
coordinator of the New Fellowship construction 
project and Burnell serves as meals coordinator. 
Earl Watson is the volunteer construction 
manager, while Gretchen serves as project 
accounting secretary.

	Pledging ongoing support from Columbus area 
Disciples pastors and congregations was the Rev. 
Morgan Wickizer, St. Andrew Christian Church. 
Other Disciples ministers present included the 
Revs. Greg Widener, Kerry Reed and Kay McGlinchy 
representing Southeast and Gender Road Christian 
churches, where volunteers will be housed during 
the construction phase. Reed is pastor of 
Southeast Christian Church.

	Volunteer work groups and individuals from 
Alabama, Arizona, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, 
Ohio, Texas and Washington already are scheduled 
to share in this venture. Others wishing to 
volunteer may contact the Vision Builders! office 
at P.O. Box 7030, Indianapolis, IN 46207. 
Interested persons also may call (800) 274-1883, 
or send electronic mail to 

	Vision Builders! Construction organizes 
volunteers to help erect church buildings. Vision 
Builders! is the fundraising and promotional arm 
of the denomination's New Congregation 
Establishment ministry.

	For more information, visit the Vision Builders! 
Construction website at:
	                     -- end --

Information for this release was provided by 
Cindy Bowman, volunteer publicity coordinator 
with the Columbus Vision Builders! project. 

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