From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Operation Classroom seeks boxes for Sierra Leone

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 28 May 1999 10:32:16

May 28, 1999 News media contact: Linda Bloom*(212) 870-3803*New York

By United Methodist News Service 

Operation Classroom, a United Methodist mission program, is seeking help for
its work in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

To respond to the devastation caused by Sierra Leone's seven-year-old civil
war, Operation Classroom is joining with the United Methodist Committee on
Relief (UMCOR) in a denomination-wide appeal. Individuals, congregations and
church groups are being asked to contribute to a hands-on program to provide
basic supplies for families in Sierra Leone.

About 6,500 people were killed in a January rebel invasion of Freetown, the
country's capital, said United Methodist Bishop Joseph C. Humper of Sierra
Leone, during a May consultation in Georgia. At least 2,500 houses were
burned, along with other buildings; more than 2,000 women and girls were
raped, and at least 350 civilians suffered amputations and other atrocities.
A cease-fire took effect May 24, but millions of people remain displaced.

United Methodists are being asked to put together:
*	Family kits, which include such items as bowls and cups, towels,
sheets and soap.
*	Health kits with towel, washcloth, light blanket, soap, toothbrush
and other items.
*	Medical items, such as children's chewable vitamins, cold
medications and sterile bandages.
*	Shoes and summer clothing.

Donors are asked to send $15 per box to help with shipping costs. Boxes can
be sent to the UMCOR Depot in Baldwin, La., or the Operation Classroom
warehouse in Lapel, Ind. For details about packing and shipping, call the
depot at (800) 814-8765 or send an e-mail to

The program also needs a used pickup truck, which would be used to haul
supplies to Operation Classroom facilities and many of the 108 United
Methodist schools in Liberia. Pass information about possible donors on to
Joe Wagner at (765) 324-2556 or
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