From the Worldwide Faith News archives
United Methodists increase giving by $12M during first half of '99
NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
13 Jul 1999 14:02:28
July 13, 1999 News media contact: Tim Tanton*(615)742-5470*Nashville, Tenn.
By United Methodist News Service
Giving by United Methodists for churchwide ministries and administration
increased by 7 percent for the first half of 1999, compared with the same
period last year.
When fund-raising for disaster relief and other "second-mile" needs are
added in, total giving to the church rose nearly $12 million, to $63.4
million, according to the church's General Council on Finance and
Administration (GCFA) in Evanston, Ill. That represents a 23 percent jump in
total giving, and it reflects special offerings and Advance fund
contributions, which fluctuate from year to year as church members respond
to crises and disasters around the world.
The 7 percent increase in giving to the eight apportioned funds eclipsed a
1.8 percent increase for the same period of 1998. The apportioned funds
support the denomination's churchwide ministries and administration. They
are paid through apportionments, or "askings," requested of the 66 U.S.
annual conferences, or regional units of the church.
John Schreiber, an associate general secretary for GCFA, attributed the
increase in giving to two factors.
"I think it's just a continuation of a trend that's been in place for the
last few years -- the impact of not raising the apportionments by large
amounts and the good economy," he said.
Last year, the apportionment that the denomination requested of each annual
conference was kept flat. This year, however it increased 2 percent, so the
annual conferences exceeded that by 5 additional percentage points.
The annual conferences have paid a higher percentage of their apportionments
so far this year. As of June, $37.1 million had been sent in for the
apportioned general funds, which is 31 percent of the amount requested for
this year. At the same time last year, the annual conferences had paid 29
percent of their apportionments.
"Our records show that it has been 16 years since 30 percent or more of
general fund
apportionments were received by the end of the second quarter of the year,"
according to a GCFA statement issued jointly by Bishop Richard C. Looney,
the agency's president, and Sandra Kelley Lackore, top staff executive and
More than $120 million is apportioned among the denomination's U.S.
conferences for general church ministries. Each percentage point of
increased giving represents $1.2 million in additional support for United
Methodist missions and ministries.
The World Service fund, which represents the single largest category of
apportionment dollars, was up 6 percent, at $19.6 million, compared with a
year earlier. At the same time in 1998, the church's basic benevolence fund
was at $18.4 million.
The other apportionment funds are: Africa University (up 7 percent); Black
College (up 9 percent); Ministerial Education (up 8 percent); Focus 2000:
Mission Initiatives (up 7 percent); Episcopal (up 9 percent); General
Administration (up 9 percent); and Interdenominational Cooperation (up 8
Support for the Advance Specials and additional avenues of second-mile
giving was up $9.3 million for the first half of 1999, totaling $22.6
United Methodists raised $3.6 million through the six Special Sunday
offerings, a 4 percent increase over the first half of last year. One Great
Hour of Sharing accounted for $2.6 million of the total. Native American
Awareness Sunday had the biggest percentage increase, with offerings rising
36 percent for a total of $177,672 for the year to date. The other Special
Sundays are Human Relations Day (up 6 percent); Peace With Justice Sunday
(up 27 percent); United Methodist Student Day (up 3 percent); and World
Communion Sunday (up 10 percent).
The bishops' appeals raised $586,401 for the first six months, and giving to
the United Methodist Committee on Relief reached nearly $14 million.
United Methodist News Service
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