From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Membership Remained Stable for ELCA Congregations in 1998 (corrected copy)
22 Jul 1999 08:02:39
July 22, 1999
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- With a total of 5,178,225 baptized members in
10,862 congregations, the membership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA) remained stable, decreasing in 1998 about one-tenth of
a percent. That figure represented a decline of 6,830 baptized members
from 5,185,055 in 1997, according to the Rev. Lowell G. Almen, secretary
of the ELCA.
"The figures for 1998 showed steady overall membership in ELCA
congregations, although even the slight decline of one-tenth of one
percent in membership underscores the importance of outreach to current
and new members," Almen said.
The average number of people at worship on Sundays, which is
another indicator of participation by members in the life of
congregations, remained level in 1998. About 1,579,871, or 30.50
percent of all baptized members, attend worship each week. Over the
past 10 years, average worship attendance has fluctuated slightly
between 30 and 31 percent.
Confirmed membership in 1998 for ELCA congregations remained
steady at 3,840,136, down 4,033 from 1997. Communing and contributing
membership, other indicators of active participation, declined for the
third consecutive year to 2,501,669 in 1998 compared with 2,516,006 in
1997, a decrease of 14,337, or one-half percent, Almen reported.
"These statistics underscore the need for ELCA initiatives now
under way, including those to deepen the worship life of members and to
teach the faith, nurturing individuals as hearty disciples of Jesus,"
Almen said.
The number of congregations decreased by 27 from 10,889 in 1997 to
10,862 in 1998, largely as a result of the disbanding and consolidating
of existing congregations. This is 20 fewer than the decrease between
1996 and 1997.
The slight but steady decline in the number of baptisms of
children over the past nine years continued in 1998, said Almen. From
1997 to 1998 the decrease was 876, down from 82,100 in 1997 to 81,224 in
1998. The decline in baptisms of children reflects the slowed birth
rate in the population in general, he said. For the second year in a
row, congregations reported a slight increase in baptisms of adults 16
years and over -- up 219 persons from 8,249 in 1997 to 8,468 in 1998.
The number of unconfirmed children partaking of the sacrament of
Holy Communion continued to grow in 1998 to 270,125 -- up from 259,187
in 1997 -- an increase of 4.22 percent. It was at the 1997 Churchwide
Assembly that a new statement on sacramental practices was adopted,
giving congregations more latitude in communing unconfirmed children.
The number of youth confirmed in 1998 was practically the same as
the number confirmed in 1997. The number of confirmations reported for
1998 was 59,129 -- up six youth from the number reported for 1997.
A loss of baptized members attributable to roll cleaning by
congregations was up slightly from 166,668 in 1997 to 172,561 in 1998.
The number of losses due to death remained relatively unchanged for 1998
-- 50,383 in 1998 compared to 50,482 in 1997.
The average number of baptized members per congregation was 480,
and the average confirmed membership was 356. In 1998, the average
number for communing and contributing members per congregation was 236.
In 1998, 2.29 percent of ELCA baptized members were African
American, Black, Asian, Latino/Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska
Native people. In 1997, the percentage of the total ELCA membership of
persons of color or whose primary language is other than English was
African American or Black membership increased to 50,635, up
1,197; Asian and Pacific Islander membership, 22,467, up 698; Hispanic
membership, 32,295, up 1,307; and American Indian and Alaska Native
membership, 7,134, up 238. Some 8,696 members declared their race or
ethnic heritage as "other."
Statistics from each ELCA congregation are tabulated annually and
are considered to reflect the church's circumstances on Dec. 31 of that
At the end of 1988 the ELCA reported a total membership of
5,251,534. In ten years the church's membership declined 73,309 or 1.40
percent. The number of congregations decreased 258 or 2.32 percent from
11,120 to 10,862 in the decade.
* The Rev. Lowell G. Almen is secretary of the ELCA.
[EDITORS: A table of membership figures since 1987, when the ELCA was
formed, is located at <>.]
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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