From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Corrections and Clarifications
15 Aug 1999 16:26:34
Corrections and Clarifications
A story in the June 4 issue of NEWS BRIEFS about the new Presbyterian
Pipeline service of the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (#99204)
identified one of the potential clients of the service as the More Light
Churches Network. The More Light Churches Network no longer exists - more
than a year ago it merged with Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns
to form More Light Presbyterians.
The story also reported that the idea for the Presbyterian Pipeline
came from the Presbyterian Lay Committee. The Presbyterian Lay Committee
proposed a marketing and distribution deal with the publishing corporation,
not the broader-based Presbyterian Pipeline.
# # #
A story in the May 7 issue of NEWS BRIEFS about the search for a new
general secretary for the Consultation on Church Union (#99169, p. 15)
included an incomplete address for the submission of applications. The
correct address is Ecumenical and Urban Affairs, COCU Search, 700 Martin
Luther King Jr. Drive S.W., ITC Box 456, Atlanta, GA 30314-4143.
# # #
A story in the May 14 issue of NEWS BRIEFS about issues coming to the
211th General Assembly (#99172, p. 9) implied that Pittsburgh Presbytery
knew that the Rev. Jane Adams Spahr was an avowed lesbian when it ordained
her. Spahr was not an avowed lesbian when she was ordained in 1974.
# # #
A story in the April 23 issue of NEWS BRIEFS about "That All May Freely
Serve" (#99151, p. 12) contained errors. The new Chicago-based staff
member is Tom Hickock, not Hickcock. He is no longer a seminary student,
having graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1994 and from the
University of Edinburgh, Scotland, with a Th.M. in 1995. Hickock is a
candidate under the care of Twin Cities Area Presbytery.
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