From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Corrections and Clarifications
15 Aug 1999 16:34:31
Corrections and Clarifications
A story in the July 23 issue of NEWS BRIEFS about the late Rev. Wilmina
"Billie" Smith (#99239, p. 14) incorrectly reported her alma mater as
Warren Wilson College. The school is Wilson College.
# # #
A story in the July 9 issue of NEWS BRIEFS, reprinted from the General
Assembly Newsroom, about the General Assembly's action on the ordination of
gay and lesbian persons (#99120, p. 5) incorrectly reported that the
Assembly urged a churchwide discussion of the issue of ordination of gay
and lesbian persons. The Assembly urged all Presbyterians to study the
issue of the nature of the unity we seek in our diversity as Presbyterians.
# # #
A story in the June 4 issue of NEWS BRIEFS about PresbyNet instituting
a membership fee (#99202, p. 11) incorrectly listed the phone number for
PresbyTel. The correct number is 1-800-872-3283.
# # #
A story in the June 18 issue of NEWS BRIEFS about the Rev. Shirley Funk
(#99214, p. 15) incorrectly reported that she was the first Presbyterian
minister called to pastor a Lutheran church under the terms of the "Formula
of Agreement" establishing full communion between the PC(USA) and the ELCA.
Two months prior to Funk's installation, the Rev. Paul Beran was installed
as pastor of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Juneau, Alaska, under the
terms of the Formula.
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Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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