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Women of Faith Award to the Rev. Jane Spahr Allowed to Go Forward

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:13:15

    GAC Executive Committee Allows Women of Faith Award 
    to the Rev. Jane Spahr to Go Forward 
    by John Filiatreau 
VANDALIA, Ill. - The executive committee of the General Assembly Council 
(GAC) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted on April 26 to allow the 
Rev. Jane A. Spahr to receive a Women of Faith award for 1999. 
    The committee - 15 voting members and six ex-officio members - also 
voted to "establish a task force to review all policies and procedures 
regarding the full range of awards currently within the scope of the work 
of the General Assembly Council." 
    By its 9-2 secret-ballot vote, the executive committee reversed the 
action of the five-member steering committee of the National Ministries 
Division (NMD) Committeeof the GAC, which had reversed the selection of 
Spahr by a committee of women representing several groups in the Women's 
Ministries Program Area of NMD, which presents the awards. 
    Spahr, who is openly lesbian, is employed by the Downtown Presbyterian 
Church in Rochester, N.Y., as a "lesbian evangelist" for "That All May 
Freely Serve," a ministry that reaches out to Christians who are, in her 
words, "gay, bisexual and transgendered men and women - people who have 
been hurt and violated." 
    The Rev. Curtis A. Kearns Jr., the NMD director, reportedly asked the 
steering committee to review the selection committee's decision because, he 
said, "To recognize her would appear to endorse the position for which 
she's been advocating" - apparently referring to Spahr's support for the 
ordination of unrepentant gays and lesbians to church office. 
    Kearns said, "The steering committee, after meeting by conference call, 
discussed its concerns with the selection committee. When the selection 
committee decided to let its selections stand, the steering committee voted 
not to accept Spahr's selection. 
    In its vote, taken during its meeting in Vandalia, Ill. - the hometown 
of GAC chair the Rev. Cathy Chisholm - the executive committee also 
expressed its view that "National Ministries Division staff acted 
appropriately and the steering committee acted decently and in order in 
carrying out their responsibilities." 
    Member Donetta C. Wickstrom urged the panel to include in its statement 
an observation "that Curtis Kearns did nothing outside the bounds of his 
responsibility and authority."  GAC executive director John Detterick said, 
"I want to affirm that Curtis did exactly the right thing." 
    Kearns had been widely criticized after a Presbyterian News Service 
story reported that he had rescinded the selection committee's choice of 
Spahr.  That story was later revised to reflect the subsequent action taken 
by the NMD steering committee. 
    Spahr said she was informed on March 30 or March 31 that she was to 
receive the award and then was informed on Good Friday, April 2, that the 
Women's Ministries Program Area apparently would not be permitted to 
present the award to her. She said there was no mention of the NMD steering 
committee during that call. 
    The steering committee reportedly met by conference call three times - 
on April 8, April 11 (when it reportedly voted to reverse the selection 
committee's decision to include Spahr among the award recipients), and on 
April 18. 
    In a statement dated April 18 but released only during the executive 
committee meeting on April 25, NMD said: 
    "The decision ... to present one of three Women of Faith Awards to the 
Rev. Dr. Jane Adams Spahr has resulted in an evolving controversy. Since 
the Women's Ministries Program Area of the National Ministries Division 
sponsors the awards, concern about the impact of this award has been raised 
with the senior staff of the division and with the Steering Committee of 
the National Ministries Division Committee. 
    "After several lengthy and complex discussions, the National Ministries 
Division Steering Committee voted to decline the selection of Dr. Spahr as 
a Women of Faith Award recipient. The action was taken because the 
committee felt presenting the award to Dr. Spahr would make it appear that 
an entity of the General Assembly was endorsing a position that runs 
counter to existing General Assembly policy. Entities of the General 
Assembly are obligated to uphold the policies of the Presbyterian Church 
(U.S.A.) and should not be put in the position of appearing to compromise 
them in any way. The determination of the Steering Committee was that 
presenting this award to Dr. Spahr placed the division in conflict with 
that obligation. 
    "The committee feels this action to be consistent with the spirit of a 
moratorium on inflammatory language and actions that evolved from the 210th 
General Assembly in Charlotte, North Carolina." 
    The Women of Faith awards, now in their thirteenth year, are conferred 
annually at the Women of Faith Breakfast during the meeting of the General 
    The recipients for 1999, in addition to Spahr, are Elder Jane Dempsey 
Douglas, a retired professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, and the 
Rev. Letty Russell, a professor at Yale Divinity School in Connecticut. 
    The awards' theme for this year is "On Behalf of Women: Reforming 
Through the Word."  The Women's Ministries Program Area intended to 
recognize the three recipients and to more broadly honor "the gifts of 
clergywomen, educators, songwriters, poets, campus ministers, theologians, 
lay pastors and authors who have witnessed as reformers through the Word." 
    The members of the selection committee represented five constituencies 
within the Women's Ministries Program Area: Presbyterian Women, the 
Advocacy Committee for Women's Concerns, the National Network of 
Presbyterian College Women, the National Association of Presbyterian 
Clergywomen and the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators. 
    The panel chose the three recipients after reviewing more than 80 
nomination forms that put forward 59 different women. 
    The Rev. Barbara E. Dua, associate NMD director for Women's Ministries, 
said the committee chose the three recipients unanimously after a process 
in which, according to the selection committee members, "the cream rose to 
the top." 
    Dua said this year's selection process was handled no differently than 
it has been in previous years. She said the names of prospective award 
recipients have never been submitted to division staff for approval. 
    Chisholm was scheduled to issue a statement on the GAC Executive 
Committee's decision on April 27. 

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