From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Book suggests ways to observe year of older persons

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 09 Aug 1999 13:05:48

Aug. 9, 1999 News media contact: Linda Bloom**(212) 870-3803**New York

NOTE:  This can be used as a sidebar with the older adults series.

By United Methodist News Service

A resource mailed to all local churches offers a variety of suggestions for
the observance of the 1999 International Year of Older Persons.

Compiled and edited by Richard H. Gentzler Jr., an executive with the United
Methodist Board of Discipleship, the 16-page book was produced by the United
Methodist Committee on Older Adult Ministries.

In addition to worship service suggestions and a litany for aging, the
resource offers 23 ideas for celebrating on Sunday and during the week.
Those ideas include:

	*	Assigning a young family to each older person in the
	*	Interviewing older people; 
	*	Encouraging children and youth to visit homebound older
	*	Inviting older adults to adopt a child in the congregation;
	*	Checking and correcting accessibility problems in church
	*	Learning how the needs of older adults are met in the
community; and
	*	Planning a library book shower.

Ministry models developed by, with and for older adults are suggested in the
book and include care giving, friendly visitors, telephone reassurance,
companion services, meals, home maintenance and repair, outreach and
spiritual directing, field trips, a fine arts program, and exercise and
fitness. It also details ministry by older adults for the church and the

A few copies of the book remain, according to Gentzler. More information is
available by calling the Office of Older Adult Ministries at the Board of
Discipleship in Nashville at (615) 340-7074. The book also can be downloaded
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