From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Anglican Church in Kenya Appoints First Woman Administrator
Worldwide Faith News <>
10 Aug 1999 23:07:44
Note to Editors: for further information please contact:
Miss Jane Gitau Director, Communications Centre
Anglican Church of Kenya
PO Box 40502 NAIROBI Tel: 722707/714753
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999
The ACK has made International history in the Anglican Communion by
appointing a lay woman Mrs. Susan Nzisa Mumina to the top post of
Provincial Secretary. Appointed at the Standing Committee of the Provincial
Synod sitting in Nairobi on 4th August, 1999, Mrs. Mumina becomes the
fourth Provincial Secretary of the ACK. She takes over from Rev. Canon Enos
Ashimala who has retired.
As Provincial Secretary she will be responsible for all administrative
work in the head office of the ACK as
well as the Provincial Archives, ensuring that the minutes of the
Provincial Synod and its subordinate bodies, and also the minutes of
Diocesan Synods and other similar bodies are regularly sent to the
Archbishop and are filed and stored in the Provincial Archives. At
request of the Archbishop, the Provincial Secretary shall visit any
diocese, in which there is need of administrative advice expressed by the
Bishop of the Diocese. The Provincial Secretary may serve as clerk of the
court at any session of the Provincial Tribunal.
Mrs Mumina is married with four children. She joined Church service way
back in 1974 and has served in different capacities. Between 1974 to 1988
she worked as a Personal Secretary to the ACK Provincial Secretary. In 1989
she was appointed the first Assistant Provincial Secretary. As an Assistant
to the Provincial Secretary her duties involved dealing with personnel
matters, staff supervision , sourcing for training courses for staff and
recommending them to management and coordinating the flow of information
between the Provincial Institutions and the Provincial Institution Board
among others.
She has worked on Acting Appointment on several occasions. In October 1989
to May 1991 she acted as Provincial Development Coordinator and in July
1993 to March 1994 she acted as Principal, ACK Language School. In December
1993 to July, 1994 she acted as The Provincial Secretary. During these
occasions she undertook the respective duties alongside duties of Assistant
Provincial Secretary.
Apart from Office Management and Administration, she is secretary to the
Provincial Institutions Board, a member of Provincial Board of Theological
Education interviewing Panel, Assistant Mothers Union Secretary, All Saints
Cathedral and chairperson of the All Saints Cathedral Covenant Choir.
Her achievements include, organizing and conducting successful training for
women from the Episcopal Church of Sudan and Church of the Province of
South Africa.
Meanwhile, the Church has created a new Diocese of Bondo from the diocese
of Maseno West. The new diocese comes into existence on 1st September, 1999
and covers the administrative district of Bondo. In so doing the Standing
Committee of Provincial Synod noted the present Maseno West Diocese is too
expansive and cannot be adequately served by one Bishop. The Anglican
Church covers half of the entire population of Maseno West and the
congregations are anxious and enthusiastic. The sub-division was done in
accordance with Canon 1 of Division of Dioceses and related matters.
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