From the Worldwide Faith News archives
A Call to Faithfulness
15 Aug 1999 16:12:45
A Call to Faithfulness
Editor's Note: In response to comments generated by the selection of this
year's Women of Faith award recipients, the Rev. Cathy Chisholm, chair of
the General Assembly Council, has issued the following communication to the
church at large: - Gary Luhr
Whenever I've been asked to name what I thought would be the most
important issues facing the General Assembly Council, I have refused. My
conviction is that what is most crucial is the manner in which we make our
decisions, especially when approaching topics we had never imagined would
be on our agenda. My goal this year has been to nurture our relationships
through open communication, prayer and worship, seeking to discern the will
of God in all our actions and decisions.
An unexpected topic of concern, initially reported in a Presbyterian
News Service story, is the announcement of this year's Women of Faith
Awards. Even though the official announcement of the selections had not
been released, we are a close-knit denomination with many networks along
which news travels. In light of the diversity of sincere and passionate
responses which have already been expressed, this letter is an attempt to
identify the values and issues involved and to call us as a children of God
to approach our discussions with mutual respect.
Although recognition of women at General Assembly has a long history,
for the past thirteen years the Women of Faith Awards have been presented
by General Assembly Council while the actual selection has been made by
representatives of various women's groups. Following the announced theme of
"On Behalf of Women: Reforming Through the Word," the committee chose
this year's three recipients: Dr. Letty Russell, Dr. Jane Dempsey Douglas
and Dr. Jane Spahr, evangelist for "That All May Freely Serve."
For the staff and elected members of the General Assembly Council, this
year's selections present an unusual dilemma. On the one hand, the
selection process followed established procedures and was solely the
decision of the committee of women selected by their groups for this
purpose, seeking to be faithful in their task . On the other hand, the
choice of a woman who is closely associated with advocacy for the
ordination of gay and lesbian persons was likely to be interpreted by some
as endorsement of that position. To simply proceed with the public
announcement of the awards without consideration of the potential impact
would have been an abuse of the goodwill and trust of the church at
As a woman in a leadership position, I identify with the experience of
so many women in the church who have struggled to be heard and to make
decisions for themselves. As Chair of the General Assembly Council, I am
committed to serving the whole church in all its diversity.
What is the right thing to do in this situation? First of all, we each
must respect the sincere views and opposing opinions which have and will be
expressed whatever decision is made. Second, we must each redouble our
efforts to pray for our church and be open to the working of the Spirit in
our midst. An essential tenet of our polity is that we believe God is at
work in the decision-making of committees and governing bodies of the
church. As elders and ministers, we have vowed to honor these decisions
while not relinquishing our own right of conscience or ability to work
within our polity to change particular policies or decisions which do not
represent our personal views of God's will and intentions for the church.
Finally, we must make sure we are fully informed, refusing to base opinions
on gossip or speculation.
Although the decision is still under review, the intense interest
already generated demands that complete information be provided as openly
and as quickly as possible. This item will be on the agenda of the General
Assembly Council Executive Committee at our scheduled spring meeting,
April 23-26. I can assure you that our meeting will be enveloped in prayer,
our discussions conducted openly and respectfully, and that all voices will
be heard in a spirit of partnership with each other and our Lord.
Yours in Christ's service,
Cathy C. Chisholm
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