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Plans Set for Small Church Celebration in August

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:12:31

    Plans Set for Small Church Celebration in August 
    by Jerry L. Van Marter 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-The plans have been set and registrations are now being 
accepted for the Third Small Church Celebration of the Presbyterian Church 
(U.S.A.), Aug. 7-10 on the campus of Colorado State University in Fort 
    "Connecting Circles of Light..." is the theme of the conference, which 
will gather small church members and pastors from throughout the 
denomination to explore the models of worship, education, mission and 
evangelism that make small churches so vital in the PC(USA). 
    Forty workshops on a variety of small church ministry-related topics 
have been organized and six small church leaders have been lined up to 
provide leadership for the conference.  They are: 
     * The Rev. Ben McAnally, opening night speaker: A native Texan, 
McAnally has served as a new church development, a redevelopment church 
pastor, an interim pastor, and as a presbytery staff member specializing in 
church development.  Retired in 1996, McAnally still serves on the Mission 
Development Resources Committee of the General Assembly and is chair of the 
board of directors of the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program. 
     * The Rev. Holly Haile Davis, conference preacher: A member of the 
Shinnecock Tribe of Indians in New York State, Davis was the first Native 
American woman to be ordained in the PC(USA).  She has served pastorates in 
Colorado and New York and currently, with her family, manages the Thunder 
Bird Coffee Shop and Trading Post on her reservation. 
     * The Rev. John M. Fife, closing speaker: Moderator of the 1992 
General Assembly and since 1970 pastor of Southside Presbyterian Church in 
Tucson, Ariz., one of the first congregations in the country to become 
involved in the Central American sanctuary movement.  As moderator and 
small church pastor, Fife spoke at the first Small Church Celebration in 
     * The Rev. Debbie Rundlett, connector: As redevelopment pastor of All 
Souls Parish/The Presbyterian Church in Port Chester, N.Y., Rundlett 
focuses on worship, spiritual formation and equipping members and friends 
for ministry.  She will lead Bible study and connect the various segments 
of the conference. 
     * Nelson H. Bagby, music leader: Minister of music at Cedar Park 
Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Bagby is also a music educator in the 
Philadelphia public schools and a performer who has toured extensively in 
the U.S., Europe, Asia and Africa.  He has composed and arranged several 
children's musicals and is co-founder of the Bagby Foundation for 
preservation of the American Spiritual. 
     * Sara Lee Morgan, musical accompianist: A musician and music 
educator, Morgan has served churches in Florida and Texas.  She is 
currently employed by Sherman Clay & Company as a supervisor/instructor for 
the Yamaha Music School.  She also served as a music leader at the first 
Small Church Celebration in 1992. 
    More information and registration materials are available from Diana 
Stephen, associate for small church development, 100 Witherspoon Street, 
Room 3619, Louisville, KY 40202, phone 502-569-5232, e-mail 
<> or Eva Slayton, administrative assistant, 
100 Witherspoon Street, Room 3619A, Louisville, KY 40202, phone 
502-569-5244, e-mail <>.  Registration deadline is 
July 1. 

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