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Changes in General Assembly Committee Leadership Announced
15 Aug 1999 16:15:07
Changes in General Assembly
Committee Leadership Announced
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-General Assembly moderator the Rev. Douglas Oldenburg has
announced several changes in the Assembly Committee leadership for the
upcoming 211th General Assembly in Forth Worth, Texas, June 19-26.
The chain reaction of changes was necessitated by the resignation of
Elder Johnalee Nelson of Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery as vice moderator
of the Assembly Committee on Mission Coordination.
The changes:
* Assembly Committee on Mission Coordination: new vice-moderator --
the Rev. Eric Hoey, Pacific Presbytery, replacing Elder Johnalee Nelson,
Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery.
* Assembly Committee on Peacemaking and International Issues: new
vice-moderator - Elder Patricia Niles, Los Ranchos Presbytery, replacing
the Rev. Eric Hoey, Pacific Presbytery.
* Assembly Committee on Evangelism and Church Development: new
moderator - the Rev. Floyd Rhodes, Greater Atlanta Presbytery, replacing
Elder Ann Smith, Sheppards & Lapsley Presbytery.
* Assembly Committee on Life in Global Community: new moderator -
Elder Ann Smith, Sheppards & Lapsley Presbytery, replacing the Rev. Floyd
Rhodes, Greater Atlanta Presbytery.
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