From the Worldwide Faith News archives
[] #5374
15 Aug 1999 16:16:14
GA99008 Young Adult VIM joins continuing
Presbytery Partnership
FORT WORTH- It all came together so well, it just had to be right.
So thought David Sigmon when he graduated last month from Centre
College, Ky. He plans to be on his way for a year's mission service in
Guatemala by August. Sunday as one of more than 60 Young Adult Volunteers
in Mission from across the country, he will be commissioned in the morning
worship service, along with several hundred other Presbyterian mission
David is from Hendersonville, N.C. and a member, since his 1979
baptism at age three, of Trinity Presbyterian Church there. After
graduation from East High School, he chose the denomination's Centre
College, in Danville, Ky, because he wanted a new and different experience.
He also realized that, with a liberal arts education, he could blend his
wide variety of interests. "Anywhere within a day's drive," his parents
He graduated with a double major in anthropology and sociology and a
minor in English, but his courses brought him close to half a dozen other
minors. He followed a concern for how social systems work and how they
contribute to social problems such as poverty and homelessness. He took
courses in urban development, economics, and religion, and explored the
faith factor in social case studies.
A close friend had participated a year ago in the eight-year-old
Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteers in Mission Program. David was
immediately interested. For one, he'd always wanted to experience the
Mayan culture in Central America, and Guatemala was on the list of sites.
Once enrolled in the program, he went to Santa Fe last April to explore the
next step, negotiating a specific assignment with the site coordinators who
were there.
He met Robert Moore, and so began a sequel to Robert & Linda Moore's
story, chronicled two years ago in the General Assembly News when they were
first commissioned to serve in Guatemala by the Assembly. The Moores and
David are all from Western North Carolina Presbytery, now heavily involved
in a five-year-old partnership with Suschitepequez and Sur Occidente
presbyteries in Guatemala. David's interests fit well in the two-year-old
Health Promoter's program within that partnership. It is funded by the
presbytery's Two-Cents- A-Meal hunger program.
He'll work within the two partner presbyteries, encouraging families
to adopt and follow basic disease-preventive hygiene, training
congregational leaders, coordinating the visits and activities of health
teams from Western North Carolina, focusing on educating children and young
people. He'll have opportunity to work with many people, even utilizing
his soccer skills with the youth. He won't even be alone as six other
Y-A-VIMs will be working in Guatemala and will get together every 45 days
for a spiritual retreat with the Moores.
David leaves in two weeks for a training period at the Presbyterian
Center in Louisville and a Lutheran seminary in Chicago. August third will
find him in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, for five weeks of language school to
hone his three years of high school Spanish, after which he begins his
official year's tour of duty.
He looks forward to whatever that year will bring, anticipating that
his experiences will ultimately guide his future. As David well knows, he
has ahead of him many paths, many interests, many choices.
by Midge Mack
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