From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Network of Presbyterian Women Celebrate Women's Gifts
15 Aug 1999 16:19:28
Network of Presbyterian Women
Celebrate Women's Gifts
FORT WORTH-The Network of Presbyterian Women in Leadership, (NPWL), in 1994
established a network of evangelical, reformed believing women which
collects resources, programs and models of servant leadership that embody
Scripture's teaching of mutual partnership in home and ministry. For six
years, this steadily growing organization has committed itself to providing
seminar and workshop topics and speakers for events, and identifying and
encouraging the gifts and ministries of promising, Christ-centered women
theologians and leaders who embrace the scriptural and confessional
standards of the Reformed faith.
An outstanding example of this commitment was the invitation to Rev.
Dr. Ann Hoch to speak at this years' NPWL breakfast.
Hoch, Assistant Dean and Associate Professor of Homiletics at
University of Dubuque Divinity School in Dubuque, Iowa caught the attention
and imagination of those gathered with her insightful words on the account
in John 21 of Jesus' appearance to the disciples.
Speaking on the topic, "Breakfast of Champions," she focused her
comments on the tendency we have to fall back upon old routines and
familiar ways in times of stress and change. This is what the disciples
were doing after Jesus' death. In order to cope with their sense of loss,
she said, they found it easier to return to the way things used to be.
Jesus helped Peter, she explained, choose a new way - to "try the other
side of the boat" as it were-to help Peter reach out for a new way to find
disciples for Christ. And it was as a result of what happened in the
miraculous catch that they recognized the Christ in their midst.
The disciples, she posited, recognized Jesus Christ when they saw the
effects of His presence. The response to this recognition then is the
mission Jesus hopes for the future. That is the commitment to spread the
gospel and care for the Church. Giving your life tending and feeding the
flock as Jesus commanded Peter to do, she added, is the measure of our
We have the opportunity to love people into transformation and
recognition of the living Christ, she said. The first "breakfast of
champions" should empower us to be champions of love for the sake of Jesus
The Network also announced the gift of their 1999 Lydia Scholarships
for evangelical women pursuing ordained ministry in the PC(USA) to Mindy
Huffstetler and Jennifer Oraker. The event closed with prayers for the many
women commissioners who were gathered.
Joanne Hines
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