From the Worldwide Faith News archives
[] #5372
15 Aug 1999 16:21:19
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
We, the General Assembly Council, write to you out of our love and concern
for our church. We write because we have made a difficult decision by the
narrowest of margins, and we know that the absence of unanimity among us
reflects the diversity of opinions within the entire Presbyterian Church
By a vote of 41-40, after thorough, thoughtful and respectful debate, we
decided to let stand the action of our Executive Committee to allow the
selection of the Women of Faith Awards Committee to go forward.
It is our conviction that the reasons for council members holding to one
position or another were multiple and complex. This was not a simple
issue. We also want to affirm to you that the personal merits of the
nominees were not debated. As should be true in any debate, each council
member was able to voice opinions openly, to listen to one another
carefully, and to take seriously the concerns they heard. And after the
vote was announced, there was a mutual respect extended to each. It was
truly an example of the unity of Christ's body at its best - differing
opinions, strongly held, but committed to one another in the love of
While there will be many voices trying to interpret our actions, this vote
should in no way be construed as an endorsement of anyone's position for or
against the policies and standards of our Church. That was not the issue
before us.
We know that many will not agree with our decision, will be hurt and
angered by our action. We acknowledge the disagreement, hurt and anger and
regret it. But we also thank God that we are able to disagree, strongly
and vigorously, and still hold on to one another in Christ. We even dare
to believe the Holy Spirit is leading us and teaching us how to be one body
in spite of our differences and conflicts.
We acknowledge that the processes were inadequate, and for that we accept
full responsibility. One of the ways the Holy Spirit has led us is in the
establishment of a work group to review all policies and procedures
regarding the full range of awards currently within the scope of the work
of the General Assembly Council .
We believe God can use these events to build up this sometimes bruised and
bruising part of the body of Christ. We seek your prayers and your ongoing
support as we try to serve you in an effective and Christ-like fashion.
Your servants in Christ,
General Assembly Council
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