From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Integration of Stewardship Activities Discussed
15 Aug 1999 16:22:35
Integration of Stewardship Activities Discussed
FORT WORTH The theology of stewardship and how to integrate all the
stewardship activities of the denomination occupied the Committee on
Stewardship and Funding this morning.
Jim Henderson, interim president of the Presbyterian Foundation,
briefed committee members on efforts to pull together all the stewardship
functions the churchwide staff performs. A 10 person work group headed by
Henderson and Executive Director of the General Assembly Council John
Detterick is exploring "how to bring all stewardship resources into a more
fully integrated system," Henderson said.
David McCreath, coordinator for Stewardship Education, led committee
members through the proposed "Statement of Stewardship Theology."
"Stewardship is one of the most confusing words in the lexicon of the
church," McCreath told commissioners. "That is because it is biblically
old and theologically new." The statement rests on three affirmations,
rooted in the central conviction that "we belong to God": "We trust in God
alone...We worship God alone...We serve God alone." The statement seeks,
McCreath said, to be "biblically grounded" as well as "contemporary" and
"culturally responsible."
The Committee discussed the paper in small groups Monday afternoon
prior to acting on it later in the day. It also dealt with special
offerings and recommendations from the Presbyterian Foundation. Tuesday
morning it is slated to discuss an overture and recommendations about the
Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program.
Peggy Rounseville
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