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Signs of a New Reformation

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:22:52

                    Signs of a New Reformation 
FORT WORTH-The Rev. John Fife, former General Assembly Moderator (1992), 
was the featured speaker at the Semper Reformanda dinner held at the Ramada 
Hotel on Saturday evening.  Fife, who is a strong spokesperson for 
humanitarian aid to refugees and marginalized people of the world, has 
served the PC (USA) as a pastor and leader for social justice and global 
peacemaking spoke to the topic "The New Reformation: Will We Burn the New 
     The church is on the brink of a new reformation, he said.  Citing many 
examples of society in general and the mainline church specifically 
clinging to old standards and trying to restore past virtues, he indicated 
that these are positive signs of a new reformation which is about to emerge 
for the church.   
     "We are on the front edge of the greatest transformation the church 
has ever experienced," he said.  "It may make the Protestant Reformation 
look like a ripple in history. The rise of fundamentalism in every 
religious group and in many secular groups as well are always signs of a 
society about to change.  People who see the change coming desperately try 
to row back upstream or to go back to the way things were."  These are 
positive signs, he said, since this will give the church the spiritual 
power to endure the changes that  will occur "when we are dropped into the 
maelstrom of a new economy and a new world order."   
     The new church which will emerge will be one which can truly proclaim 
the gospel to those who need it the most - the poor and marginalized, Fife 
said.  The reformation will not be accomplished in North America or Europe, 
but will arise out of Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia.  The new 
theologies of the world are being written by leaders from these countries. 
     The new evangelism of the poor will enable them to become evangelists 
to the whole church.   
     The cost of any reformation is an inquisition, he exclaimed.  When we 
draw boundaries to keep some in and to keep others out there is always 
conflict.   From this necessary conflict a new church will emerge. 
     The organization also introduced the establishment of the Robert J. 
Stone Internship for the PC(USA)'s Washington Office.  The internship will 
honor the life and ministry of Rev.  Stone, a leader for social justice and 
peacemaking in the Presbyterian Church, a pastor and executive for over 50 
years By Joanne Hines.  

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