From the Worldwide Faith News archives
[] #5378
15 Aug 1999 16:23:04
GA990014 Two Years of Preparation Culminate as
Texas Presbyterians Welcome the 211th General Assembly
to Fort Worth
Fort Worth After two years of preparation involving more than 3,000
volunteers, Grace Presbytery welcomed the 211th General Assembly to Fort
Worth Friday at an Assembly-opening press conference hosted by the chair of
the host committee, Betsy Pepper. Also participating in the kickoff event
for media was General Assembly Stated Clerk the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick,
himself a Texas native.
"This has been a great gift to me personally and to the 150,000
Presbyterians of Grace Presbytery to prepare to take care of our 3,000
guests," Pepper said. And the plans she described for visitors to this
Assembly beginning with Sunday's Texas barbecue for more than 2,000 at
Billy Bob's -- assure that they will get a full taste of Texas culture.
A full schedule of mission tours will take Presbyterian visitors to
the Assembly all over northeast Texas to witness the church in action.
Opening worship will feature a massed choir of more than 400 Texas
Presbyterian singers, and a musical review slated for Tuesday evening at
Fort Worth's sparkling Bass Performance Hall will star such distinctive
native groups as the Texas Boys Choir, the Dorothy Shaw Handbell Choir,
Ballet Folklorica/Dallas, Fort Worth Gospel Choir, Rayos de Guanajuato
Mariachi Band, a Korean Choir of Binnerri Presbyterian Church in Richardson
and a massed choir of 250 Presbyterians from area churches.
Kirkpatrick praised Pepper and the Committee on Local Arrangements
(COLA). "I don't know that we've ever had a better COLA," he said.
Kirkpatrick said the committee "has done a wonderful job of making this
combination of family gathering and legislative session welcome and
Kirkpatrick outlined the key issues he believes are before this
* leadership: the Assembly will elect its moderator and be asked to
confirm the election of new heads for the Congregational Ministries
Division and the Board of Pensions.
* a new strategy paper on church growth.
* Presbyterian endorsement of the Churches Uniting in Christ, the most
recent expression of Christian unity devised by the Consultation on Church
Union, or COCU.
* a paper addressing the persistent problem of racism in America,
"Facing Racism: A Vision of the Beloved Community."
* a paper entitled "Building Community Among Strangers" with
suggestions on how urban community life can be improved in the United
* the commissioning of more than 100 new missionaries to posts around
the world.
by Jerry Van Marter
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