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Theological News

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:23:22

    Theological News 
    by Alexa Smith 
RICHMOND, Va. - Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of 
Christian Education (Union-PSCE) will honor four Presbyterian congregations 
and a Presbyterian district for effective work during a luncheon at the 
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on June 23. Each award 
comes with $1,000 to assist with the winners' ministries. The winners of 
the W.T. Thompson Award for Excellence in Christian Education are 
University Presbyterian Church of Chapel Hill, N.C., for an exceptional 
student ministry, and District V of Transylvania Presbytery near Lexington, 
Ky., for small churches' sharing in training and program development. The 
Joyful Noise Nursery School and Daycare Center of the Presbyterian Church 
of Morris Plains, N.J., is the recipient of the Sarah Hill Brown Award for 
Early Childhood Education. University Presbyterian Church of San Antonio, 
Texas, is the winner of the Katharine Hawes Award for Effective Youth 
Ministry; and Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago won the Elinor Curry 
Award for Outreach and Social Concern for a program that pairs inner-city 
students with volunteer tutors. 
PRINCETON, N.J. - The Rev. Earl F. Palmer, pastor of University 
Presbyterian Church of Seattle, Wash., and the Rev. Otha Gilyard, a 
minister in the National Baptist and American Baptist denominations and 
pastor of the Shiloh Church in Columbus, Ohio, received Distinguished 
Alumnus Awards from Princeton Theological Seminary during its annual 
alumni/ae banquet. Palmer, a member of the class of 1956, and Gilyard, of 
the class of 1974, were honored for their service in ministry and for 
service to the seminary. 
SAN ANSELMO, Calif. - A $1 million gift from a San Francisco Theological 
Seminary trustee and his wife has led to the creation of the first faculty 
position in congregational evangelism and development at any seminary of 
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The Ford Chair of Evangelism and 
Congregational Ministries, named for Trustee Charles W. Ford and Patricia 
H. Ford of Huntington Beach, Calif., is meant to be part of a comprehensive 
program of evangelism, mission, stewardship and development on the local 
and global levels, according to Dean Ronald C. White. 
DECATUR, Ga. - The Lay Institute of Faith and Life of Columbia Theological 
Seminary is offering a "Summer Stress Recess" in downtown Atlanta from noon 
until 1 p.m. on Wednesdays in June, July and August at Central Presbyterian 
Church, across the street from Georgia's state capitol. The lunch-hour 
series includes such programs as  "Feet, Don't Fail Me Now," about body 
language in prayer and worship; "That's a Laugh," on managing stress 
through humor; and "Amazing Grace," which has to do with the theology of 
CHICAGO - Phil Tom, a pastor, community organizer and former denominational 
staff person, was recognized as this year's Distinguished Alumnus of 
McCormick Theological Seminary. The award was presented during the closing 
banquet of McCormick Days `99. Tom, the pastor of Immanuel Presbyterian 
Church in Indianapolis, is a former coordinator of Urban Ministries for the 
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). 

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