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"Don't Lower the Bar," Logan Exhorts

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:27:17

              "Don't Lower the Bar,"  Logan Exhorts 
FORT WORTH-James Logan, pastor of South Tryon Presbyterian Church in 
Charlotte, N.C.  shared two problems with his congregation at Thursday 
morning's worship service.  "One, they told me I had only 10 to 12 minutes, 
and two, I tend to get nervous, particularly if it gets too quiet around 
here, so please help me preach." 
     His audience did help, responding with frequent "Amens" and a variety 
of other phrases to cheer him on.  The charge and benediction were 
delivered by Cynthia Logan, associate pastor of Dallas First Church, who 
closed the service with the words, "always be ready to forgive as freely as 
God has forgiven you." 
     Logan's text was came from Titus 3, Paul's reminder to the church to 
teach sound doctrine and be subject to the rule of authority.   "When the 
Word is our only authority and what it says is in conflict with the world, 
do we go along, or say the church has strayed?"  Logan asked.   
     "The church cannot be confused, fragmented or at odds with itself. 
The church must speak with one voice," he stated. "Thus saith the Lord." 
     "If we try to tailor the Gospel to where people are, all we are doing 
is dumbing down the Gospel..." he continued, "...and leading others astray. 
There must be corporate repentance for allowing the world to be salt and 
light to us.  When we lower the bar, we grieve the heart of God...whatever 
you do, don't lower the bar!"  he exorted, stirring the congregation's 
repeated response, "Don't lower the bar!" 
Midge  Mack 

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