From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Facing Racism Paper to Go to Assembly
15 Aug 1999 16:27:20
Facing Racism Paper to Go to Assembly
FORT WORTH-"Facing Racism: A Vision of the Beloved Community" will be
before the General Assembly when the National and Social Issues Committee
presents its report later this week. The paper presents a sevenfold
churchwide strategy involving the General Assembly, synods, presbyteries,
congregations, educational institutions, related agencies, and ecumenical
partners in dismantling racism.
If the Assembly approves the recommendation, "Facing Racism: A Vision
of the Beloved Community" will be distributed throughout the denomination,
staffing and funding will be provided for its implementation, and the
General Assembly will assume an antiracism identity and encourage governing
bodies and congregations to do the same. Training resources will be
developed and made available, and antiracism entities will be formally
recognized at subsequent Assemblies .
The recommendation commends the Presbyterian Health, Education, and
Welfare Association for offering workshops on racism, Presbyterian Women
for making racism a priority concern, and the Presbyterian Peacemaking
Program for addressing racism as an ongoing part of its ministry.
Other matters that the committee is taking to the Assembly include:
* recommendations for addressing the problems of prostitution,
stereotyping on the basis of sexual orientation, religion, and Native
American ethnicity, and hate crimes,
* a recommendation encouraging the adoption of older and special needs
* support for quality, desegregated education for children,
* annual opportunities for congregations to hear from racial ethnic
minority preachers.
Nancy Rodman
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