From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Assembly Committee Addresses Theological Issues and Institutions
15 Aug 1999 16:27:52
Assembly Committee Addresses
Theological Issues and Institutions
FORT WORTH-The ongoing debate on inclusive language dominated the
proceedings of the Assembly Committee on Theological Issues and
Institutions, Monday, June 21. After struggling to understand the subtle
nuances as to which Book of Order wording was stronger, both overtures
concerning inclusive language (99-24 and 99-60) were disapproved for
recommendation to the General Assembly. A minority report is expected.
Other business conducted included the authorization of the celebration
of the Lord's Supper at the denomination's national conference centers, the
Presbyterian Center, and at a variety of special events. Overture 99-5
inviting church members to renew their Baptismal vows as the next
millennium begins was affirmed for recommendation to the Assembly,
following a discussion of the appropriateness and significance of the
millennium relative to this event.
An amended version of Overture 99-13 designating a date on the
Presbyterian Planning Calendar as a "Day of Prayer for Nuclear Peace" was
also approved in committee. The amendment involved changing the date of
August 6 in the original overture to "July 24 or the day the first bomb
exploded" (in Alamagordo, N.M.).
It was discovered that the correct date was July 16, and that an
explanatory comment was desirable. The comment approved by the committee
reads as follows: "The date of July 16 was chosen because on that day in
1945 the first nuclear bomb was detonated in Alamagordo, N.M.. This day, in
effect, opened up the nuclear age and was a precursor to the dropping of
the nuclear warheads on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We remember all people and
their families who have been or will be victimized by nuclear warfare. We
pray without ceasing for cessation of all warfare among human beings."
The proposed special days and seasons, 21.094-.099, were also
Following a panel of representatives from our theological
institutions, the new trustees to the theological institutions were
approved. A recommendation to endorse "New Song" as a youth ministry music
resource for the denomination and to commend its use to the whole church
was approved with the recommendation that it be made a priority to make
multi-cultural and multi-lingual editions of the resource.
Docket items approved on Tuesday, June 22, included the minutes of the
Committee on Theological Education and the Study of Urban Theological
Education. A motion that the Committee on Theological Education have up to
ten minutes to recognize Dr. James H. Costen for excellence in theological
education was passed unanimously. Another unanimous motion was to express
in writing the appreciation of the committee to the seminary
representatives for participation in the panel discussion.
CR 99-7, on instructing the General Assembly Council, Congregational
Ministries Division, to include both Reformation Sunday and Reformation Day
in the 2001 Presbyterian Planning Calendar, was amended by adding that
October 31 be designated as Reformation Day and that the Sunday immediately
preceding it be designated as Reformation Sunday.
Further, that the GAC instruct the appropriate programming agency to
develop program materials to support the programmatic emphasis of
Reformation Sunday, and that the Congregational Ministries Division
instruct the appropriate responsible entity to move Mental Illness
Awareness emphasis from October 28 to January 21, or another Sunday
appropriate for this programmatic emphasis.
Emily Enders Odom
Sue Boardman
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