From the Worldwide Faith News archives
NAPC Convene For Luncheon
15 Aug 1999 16:28:45
National Association of Presbyterian
Clergywomen Convene For Luncheon
FORT WORTH-Downtown First Christian Church was the setting for a luncheon
hosted by the National Association of Presbyterian Clergywomen (NAPC),
Thursday, June 24. Themes of affirmation, encouragement and optimism
resounded throughout the modest church hall, as members of the NAPC
steering committee celebrated the many and diverse ministries of
The association, which drew some 80 women clergy, friends and
supporters, names as its stated purpose the convening of "a national
organization for Presbyterian clergywomen, with local and regional
emphasis, that is inclusive in membership, supportive in community and
representative in advocacy within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)."
An opening prayer by the Rev. C. Wylie Smith, moderator of NAPC, was
followed by a brief presentation by Donna Cook, associate for
Certification, Churchwide Personnel Services, National Ministries Division.
Cook reported on items of interest concerning the Interim Ministries
Network. A representative from the Association of Presbyterian Tentmakers
was also on hand to speak.
Recognized at the luncheon with a small gift for her many gifts, the
Rev. Margaret E. Howland received acknowledgment from her colleagues and
supporters for her nearly 41 years of ordained ministry of the Word and
Sacrament. Ordained by the former Brooklyn-Nassau Presbytery in 1958,
Peggy was the 12th woman ordained in the Presbyterian Church. The most
recently ordained clergywoman present at the gathering was also affirmed
with a small gift.
Opportunities abound for women clergy, according to the speakers,
since the post World War II seminary graduates are now retiring. There are
more churches seeking to fill positions than ever before.
The Rev. Lydia M. Rappaport, associate pastor of First Presbyterian
Church, Hilton Head Island, S.C., and a minister commissioner from
Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery, made this her first NAPC event. "It's
always affirming to recognize the diversity of ministries that we have as
clergywomen," she said. "I was especially thrilled to sit among the number
of older women who have received calls to ministry. I found myself
wondering how many of those women might have experienced a call in their
younger years when doors were not open to them, and marvel that they now
have that chance."
Emily Enders Odom
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