From the Worldwide Faith News archives

The New PresbyNet Described at Dinner

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:29:41

              The New PresbyNet Described at Dinner 
FORT WORTH-PresbyNet  users from around the country gathered for dinner on 
June 22 to hear what's new and how to access it.  Barry Creech, Elinor 
Mosser, Brian Lang and other experts were present to explain what's new 
this summer with PresbyNet/EcuNet.  Some things are changing and some 
things are staying the same. 
     Eventually it may cost a modest $17.95 a year.  "But right now, 
current users won't pay more," said Creech.  "Right now," he added, "we're 
just trying to get everybody  through the wilderness and into the promised 
land.  When we all get  across the river, we'll gather in some more folks."   
     Mosser, who's in charge of customer support for PresbyNet, urged 
current users to join Help meetings and be a part of the online support 
groups.  At the dinner, some PresbyNet users were meeting face-to-face for 
the first time, but most of them were old friends online. 
     They are used to helping each other and helping new people find the 
best ways to take advantage of computer technology to do church business 
online and become part of a broad ecumenical community through EcuNet. 
They find spiritual enrichment and educational opportunities and friendship 
online.  They expect that a redesigned system will just make a good thing 
Jane Hines   

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