From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Vote Continues National Network of Presbyterian College Women
15 Aug 1999 16:31:08
Assembly Vote on Mission Coordination Committee
Report Continues National Network of Presbyterian College Women
FORT WORTH- After thorough discussion that involved a variety of opinions,
the 211th General Assembly voted to concur with recommendations from a
special General Assembly Council (GAC) review committee and the Assembly
Committee on Mission Coordination to continue the National Network of
Presbyterian College Women (NNPCW) with some reservations. There will be
more guidance and more opportunities for review and accountability. Funding
will be provided and the network will be staffed, but controversial study
materials will no longer be printed or circulated. New resources will be
made available.
The Rev. Douglas Oldenburg, moderator of the 210th General Assembly,
who served on the review committee, said in introductory remarks to the
report, "We need to hear our young college women, who are women of faith,
struggling at times with their faith just as we did in college."
Marilyn Washburn, a commissioner from Greater Atlanta Presbytery, said
during the discussion: "They want supervision and support. Let's give it
to them and then give it to our sons and then to our sons and daughters
together." The network will be lodged in the Women's Ministry Program Area
until a campus ministry study is completed.
The Assembly agreed with the Assembly Committee on Mission
Coordination to express its gratitude to the Special Committee on Middle
Governing Body Relationships for their work in exploring the patterns of
relationships among governing bodies and for their creative approach to new
possibilities. They agreed to instruct the GAC and the Committee on the
Office of the General Assembly (COGA) to proceed with the consultation
process that examines and encourages relationships within and among the
General Assembly, synods and presbyteries, and to bring a report and any
necessary or desirable recommendations to the 213th General Assembly
An amendment was proposed and defeated that would have deleted a
comment about the feasibility of moving to a three governing body system.
A recommendation to create an Advisory Committee on Churchwide
Compensation was approved. The committee shall report annually through
COGA on matters related to churchwide compensation management.
In other business, the Assembly dealt with overtures and
commissioners' resolutions that had been referred to the Mission
Coordination Committee. An overture from the Presbytery of Missouri Union
on social policy witness was disapproved. Overture 99-59 from the
Presbytery of Palisades regarding access to resources for evangelism and
new church development was referred to the GAC. A commissioners'
resolution on review of the Women's Ministries Program area was also
referred to the GAC. The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy will
receive a referral on a commissioners' resolution regarding the
denomination's policy statement on "Problem Pregnancies and Abortion."
Jane Hines
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