From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Amendments to the Rules of Discipline Proposed
15 Aug 1999 16:33:15
Amendments to the Rules of Discipline Proposed
FORT WORTH-The Assembly Committee on Church Polity will recommend that the
Assembly send to the presbyteries proposed amendments to the Book of Order
modifying the Rules of Discipline.
One proposed change would provide that when a minister involved in
judicial process renounces the jurisdiction of the church, the clerk or
stated clerk shall report both the renunciation and the status of the
matter to the governing body. This language answers Overture 99-3 which
proposed that in the event of renunciation, the judicial process would be
taken to an appropriate conclusion regardless of the nonparticipation of
the accused.
A group of proposed changes would provide for review by an accused of
procedures of an investigation, as is already the case for a complainant.
Proposed provisions include designating two permanent judicial commission
members to review any petition for review while an investigation is in
progress, modification of the quorum for a permanent judicial commission,
and a process for review.
Finally, the Assembly Committee on Church Polity will recommend that
the Assembly propose that a minister engaged in work within the bounds of a
presbytery other than the presbytery of membership submit to the
jurisdiction of that presbytery for the purposes of discipline. Should
disciplinary process be initiated, the presbytery of membership shall be
notified and every governing body shall enforce and recognize the judgments
of every other governing body acting under the provisions of the Rules of
Nancy Rodman
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