From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Facing Racism Strategy Approved

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:33:20

                 Facing Racism Strategy Approved 
FORT WORTH-The churchwide strategy, "Facing Racism:  A Vision of the 
Beloved Community," was approved by the General Assembly Thursday night. 
The strategy will be distributed to the entire church as will training 
resources as they are developed.  Adequate staffing and funding will be 
provided to implement the strategy.  The General Assembly will assume an 
antiracism identity and will urge governing bodies and congregations to do 
the same.  There will be recognition ceremonies at General Assemblies to 
recognize those entities that assume an antiracism identity.  The Assembly 
commended the following agencies and organizations for their efforts to 
combat racism:  The Presbyterian Health, Education, and Welfare Association 
for offering workshops on racism, Presbyterian Women for making racism a 
priority of its 1997-2000 triennium, and the Presbyterian Peacemaking 
Program for addressing racism as part of its ongoing ministry.  The 
Initiative Team on Racism and Racial Violence was commended for its work in 
preparing  "Facing Racism:  A Vision of the Beloved Community" and 
dismissed with thanks.  In related actions the Assembly urged support by 
all governing bodies of the Winston- Salem/Forsyth County NAACP Education 
Caucus as it advocates for quality, desegregated education for Black 
children and everyone else, and urged all congregations to invite racial 
ethnic ministers to preach during Sunday worship services at least 
Nancy Rodman 

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