From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Assembly Approves $128 Million Mission Budget, Some Cuts Needed
15 Aug 1999 16:34:27
Assembly Approves $128 Million Mission Budget,
Some Cuts Needed
FORT WORTH The General Assembly Council will have to find $220,000 in
budget cuts after the 211th General Assembly approved a 2000 mission budget
of $128,243848 on June 26.
The 2000 budget was approved in the same amount as originally
proposed, but the 211th General Assembly approved actions that have added
$1.1 million in new spending.
Assembly Committee on Mission Budgets moderator J.T. Simmons of
Mississippi Presbytery told the Assembly that budget planners had allowed
for $380,000 in new spending in their original budget. One new add-on,
$500,000 additional funds for new church development , church redevelopment
and racial ethnic church development, will come from uncommitted reserves
by action of the Assembly earlier in the week.
"That leaves a shortfall of about $220,000," Simmons told the
Assembly. "And we're going to have to ask the General Assembly Council to
find places to cut in order to balance this budget. We are confident they
can do that."
Actions of this Assembly added $214,000 in new spending for 2001, but
budget planners have time to make adjustments in that budget without
cutting already budgeted items.
Jerry Van Marter
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