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UCC Elects President, Approves Restructuring Plan
15 Aug 1999 16:34:39
UCC Elects President, Approves Restructuring Plan
Changes Designed to Move Away from Hierarchical Leadership Model
by Religion News Service
PROVIDENCE, R.I.-The Rev. John H. Thomas has been elected president of the
Church of Christ, which has also approved a restructuring plan that had
been in the works for a dozen years.
Thomas, 48, known for his efforts in ecumenical circles, was elected at
the 1.4 million-member mainline Protestant denomination's General Synod
meeting here. The biennial business meeting concluded July 6.
Thomas succeeds the Rev. Paul Sherry, under whom he served since 1992
as an assistant for ecumenical affairs.
On July 1, 2000, Thomas' title will become general manager and
president, in accordance with the restructuring plan also adopted at the
meeting. The plan reduced the number of denomination officials from more
than a dozen to just five with more or less equal authority and
The five will be known as the Collegium of Officers. The intent is to
move away entirely from a hierarchal leadership model, something the
Cleveland-based church has gradually sought to eliminate over the years.
The other four officers - all elected with Thomas - were the Rev. Jose
A. Malayang, executive minister of Local Church Ministries; Edith A.
Guffey, associate general minister; Dale L. Bishop, executive minister of
Wider Church Ministries; and Bernice Powell Jackson, executive minister of
Justice and Witness Ministries.
Thomas and Malayang were elected for two years but are eligible to
serve an additional two four-year terms. Jackson was elected for six years
and may serve an additional four years. Guffey and Bishop were elected for
four-year terms and are eligible to serve two additional four-year terms.
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