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`Celebration' On Tap for Small-Church Presbyterians

Date 15 Aug 1999 16:35:26

    `Celebration' On Tap for Small-Church Presbyterians 
    Workshop Topics Range From Lyrical to Practical 
    by Evan Silverstein 
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - What do theology and Willie Nelson songs have in common? 
Participants in the third Small Church Celebration of the Presbyterian 
Church (U.S.A.) may find out when they assemble next month in Fort Collins, 
     Small-church members and pastors from the PC(USA) will meet on the 
campus of Colorado State University Aug. 7-10 to explore models of worship, 
education, mission and evangelism that make smaller churches vital to the 
denomination. Nearly 360 people had registered as of July 15. Songs and 
lyrics by Nelson, a popular country singer, will be featured in one of 36 
workshops scheduled for the conference, whose theme is "Connecting Circles 
of Light." 
    The theme is appropriate because the more than 8,000 PC(USA) 
congregations considered small (having average Sunday worship attendance of 
less than 100) cast a light that "illuminates our denomination in many 
ways,"said Diana Stephen, associate for small-church development in the 
denomination's evangelism and church development program area. (The PC(USA) 
has more than 11,000 congregations in all.) 
    "The light of Christ is an important symbol for the Christian 
community," Stephen added. "We eagerly anticipate the upcoming celebration 
as a special time when this light will be shared by people from small 
churches, and made even brighter as they connect with one another." 
    Four seminars conducted by small-church leaders will take place during 
the conference, the first since 1996. 
    Robert Shelton, the president of Austin Presbyterian Theological 
Seminary, will conduct the "Theology and Willie Nelson" workshop, an 
exploration of the impact of the Christian gospel on Nelson's lyrics, 
participants' lives and the world around them. Other workshop topics 
    * "Islam: The Second-Largest Religion in the USA. Is it a Threat to 
Christianity?" This workshop will present the basic teachings of Islam, 
which now has six million adherents in the United States. The emphasis will 
be on building bridges of peace and understanding between Muslims and 
Christians. The leader will be Aida Faris, director of the Center for 
Middle East Studies in Buffalo, N.Y. 
    * "Presbyterian Women:" Strength in Small Congregations." This workshop 
will identify and recognize the potential and current effectiveness of 
Presbyterian Women in small churches. PW connects women inside and outside 
local congregations by providing mentors, supplying resources and training 
leaders. The co-leaders will be Kathryn Baker, of Ontario, Ore., and Ellen 
Carter, of Hill City, Kan., who are members of the Churchwide Coordinating 
Team of Presbyterian Women. 
    * "Getting Off the Treadmill: Surviving in a Time-Pressured Age." This 
workshop will focus on ways of nurturing one's spiritual life "when you 
don't have time to pray." It will be led by Rosalie Potter, associate 
director for Evangelism and Church Development in the National Ministries 
Division (NMD)of the PC(USA), Louisville, Ky. 
    * "Mission Trips: Engaging Congregations in Hands-On Ministry." 
Participants in this workshop will work on skills involved in hosting 
and/or leading mission trips for young people, adults and 
inter-generational groups, and review available resources for planning, 
implementing and evaluating such trips. The leader will be Kerry Rice, 
coordinator for National Volunteers in NMD. 
    Other workshop subjects: "Challenges for 21st Century Ministry in 
Korean-American Small Churches"; "The Confirmation Dilemma in Small 
Congregations"; and "Stewardship: from Paying the Bills to Thanking God." 
    The titles of the four conference seminars are "Leading a Particular 
Congregation"; "How Do We Pack for the Exile? Moving from Mission Programs 
to Missional Church"; "Computers 101: Introducing Computers in the Small 
Church"; and " - Does the Small Church Need a 
Web Page?" 
    Deadline for advance registration was Friday, July 16. Forms postmarked 
after that date will be assessed a $75 late fee. Information and 
registration materials are available from Diana Stephen, associate for 
small-church development, 100 Witherspoon Street, Room 3619, Louisville, KY 
40202, phone 502-569-5232, e-mail DIANA_STEPHEN.PARTI@ECUNET.ORG; or Eva 
Slayton, administrative assistant, 100 Witherspoon Street, Room 3619A, 
Louisville, KY 40202, phone 502-569-5244, e-mail ESLAYTON@CTR.PCUSA.ORG. 

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