From the Worldwide Faith News archives


Date 20 Aug 1999 13:04:29


American Baptist Churches News for August 18, 1999

Office of Communication  
American Baptist Churches USA 
P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851 
Phone: (610)768-2077 / Fax: (610)768-2320 
Richard W. Schramm, Director 

UPDATE: August 18, 1999

 While American Baptist Churches USA does not have any 
direct relations with any group within Turkey, it will be 
using its ecumenical channels (Church World Service and/or 
Baptist World Aid) to respond to the devastating earthquake 
yesterday in that country.
 The quake, centered in Izmit, measured 7.8 on the 
Richter Scale.  It has claimed at least 2,400 lives and 
caused injury to at least 11,000.   Both tolls are expected 
to climb dramatically as rescue teams attempt to determine 
the status of tens of thousands of missing persons.
 American Baptists wishing to help in emergency relief 
work in Turkey can do so through One Great Hour of Sharing 
(Monthly Report of Mission Support, line 7), designating 
funds for "Turkey Earthquake Relief."

by Roger Rayl, American Baptist International Ministries
 The American Baptist Board of International Ministries 
commissioned 18 persons as missionaries during the World 
Mission Conference Aug. 5 at the American Baptist Assembly, 
Green Lake, Wis.  The missionaries will be serving in 
Bolivia, Cambodia, Chile, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, 
South Africa and Thailand. 
 "We are thankful to God that these men and women have 
chosen to follow his call to leave their homes and families 
and change our world by spreading the Gospel," said Dr. John 
Sundquist, executive director of International Ministries. 
 Barbara and Dwight Bolick will serve the Mapuche 
people of Chile.  Barbara will work in leadership 
development and women's ministries, while Dwight will use 
his business and theological background to concentrate on 
economic development.  The Bolicks have one child, Jackson.
 David and Susan Brown will travel to India, where they 
will serve at Kodaikanal International School.  David will 
be the personal counselor for the 550 students in grades K-
12.  He also will teach music as needed.  Susan will tutor 
students in English and may be called on to help with 
children’s choirs.  They have two children, Benjamin and 
 David Chun will be returning to the Tokyo Peace 
Church, where he previously served as a worship leader, 
substitute preacher and greeter during both English and 
Japanese worship services.  David will begin his service of 
pastoral ministry at the Tokyo Peace Church in January 2000, 
upon completion of his doctoral studies at Keio University 
of Tokyo.  
 Regina Claas has been jointly appointed by 
International Ministries and the European Baptist Mission.  
She will continue her work with the Baptist Convention of 
South Africa in the Department of Communication Services.  
She comes to International Ministries from Germany. 
 Charles and Ruth Fox will be working with the Akha 
Churches of Thailand.  Charles will be engaged in leadership 
development of pastors and church leaders.   Ruth will be 
involved in leadership training of the Akha women and will 
assist them in developing and marketing their handicrafts.  
The Foxes have three children, Rachel, Rebecca and Kenny. 
 Bella and Wayne Gentry will travel to the Mesang 
district of Cambodia, where Bella will help establish a 
health clinic to train people in basic medical care.  Wayne 
will be involved in general leadership development of the 
village people.  The Gentrys have two children, Shalani and 
 Iris and Mario Morales will teach at the Baptist 
Seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia.  Iris will be a professor 
of education and psychology, while Mario will be a professor 
of theology and practical theology. The Moraleses have two 
children, Mario and Seth. 
 Debra Mulneix will serve as a house mother and 
counselor for girls in grades 10-12 at Woodstock 
International School in India.  She has three adult sons, 
David, Drew and Dean.
 Christopher and Franne Pinkerton will serve in 
Indonesia as part of a team with Australian Baptists. The 
Pinkertons will teach English as a second language.  As 
their time allows they will give encouragement to Christians 
in the country.  Christopher has four children, Lark, Lisa, 
Lindy and Lanie.   
 David Reed and Joyce Anderson-Reed will be working in 
theological education and general ministries with the Dios 
con Nostros (God with Us) Seminary, located in La Paz, 
Mexico.  The Reeds have two children, Ian and Aaron.
 Karen Smith will use her background in rehabilitation 
counseling and human resources in Chiang Mai, Thailand, as 
the new director of the New Life Center.  The Center offers 
women literacy, educational and vocational training, giving 
them alternatives to forms of sexual or labor exploitation. 
by Eleanor Lundy, American Baptist Educational Ministries
 "Children Are at the Heart of ABC" was the theme for a 
Children' Ministry Consultation sponsored by American 
Baptist Educational Ministries Aug. 6-8 at Valley Forge, Pa. 
 The event attracted pastors, church school teachers, 
day care administrators and others in ministry with children 
from several American Baptist regions as well as other 
 Developing "child friendly" churches, including 
involving children in worship as well as mission and service 
projects with adults, was a major focus of the event.  
Participants also discussed ways to meet the needs of 
children with physical and emotional disabilities, 
dimensions of multicultural diversity, and the need for 
spiritual, emotional and disciplinary guidance beginning in 
a child's early years.  They explored the challenges of 
American society regarding abundance and scarcity and the 
special needs of children in grief, and said the sharing of 
resources, including a number of Judson Press books, was a 
highlight of the event. 
 Brenda Tribett, Educational Ministries' director of 
Children's Ministries and Black Church Education, noted that 
issues discussed at the August event will be incorporated 
into a second Children's Ministry Consultation, to be held 
at Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Oct. 8-9.  The 
event will feature the theme, "Building Bridges of Hope and 
Promise."  Wilson Goode, former mayor of Philadelphia and 
currently deputy assistant secretary for the U.S. Department 
of Education in Philadelphia, will be a speaker.  A musical 
celebration featuring children from churches in the District 
of Columbia Baptist Convention also will highlight the 



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