From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Daphne Mack <>
31 Aug 1999 13:13:01
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The Most Revd Frank Griswold, Presiding Bishop of the
Episcopal Church in the USA, made his first official visit to
Russia and to the Russian Orthodox Church from 3 July to 7 July
1999, at the invitation of His Holiness Alexei II, Patriarch of
Moscow and All Russia.
The Presiding Bishop was accompanied by the Rt Revd Roger
White, Bishop of Milwaukee and co-chair of the Joint Coordinating
Committee for Relations of the Episcopal Church with the Russian
Orthodox Church; the Rt Revd Richard F Grein, Bishop of New York,
chair of the Episcopal Church's national committee for relations
with the Orthodox churches in the USA and founder of the New York
Diocesan Russia Committee; The Rt Revd Charles Keyser, Bishop for
Military, Prison, and Hospital Chaplaincies of the Episcopal
Church; The Revd Canon David Perry, Officer for Ecumenical
Relations of the Episcopal Church; The Revd Canon Professor J
Robert Wright, Theological Consultant to the EcumenicalOffice of
the Episcopal Church; The Revd Canon John Backus, Chair of the
New York Diocesan Committee for Relations with the Orthodox
Churches; Mr James Solheim, Director of the Office of News
Information of the Episcopal Church; and Canon Mr James
Rosenthal, Director of Communications for the Anglican Communion.
The delegation received a warm welcome from His Holiness the
Patriarch Alexei II of Moscow and all Russia, who gave lunch in
honour of the Presiding Bishop and his associates at his
residence in the Danilov Monastery. Discussions were held with
His Eminence Kyrill, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad,
Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the
Moscow Patriarchate, and the staff of the Department, after which
dinner was hosted by His Eminence Metropolitan Kirill. The
Presiding Bishop hosted a concluding dinner in honour of His
Holiness the Patriarch.
Highlights of the visit included services of worship at the
Patriarchal Cathedral of the Epiphany, the Church of the Holy and
Life-Giving Trinity at Khoroshevo, the Church of St. Metropolitan
Peter on the Hill, and the Church of the Great Martyr St
Catherine in the Fields (the representation of the Orthodox
Church in America). Visits were also made to the Danilov
Monastery, where the delegation stayed in the nearby hotel, to
the Shrine and Relics of St Patriarch Tikhon, formerly Russian
Archbishop in North America and later Patriarch of Moscow and
confessor of the faith, at the Donskoy Monastery; to the Anglican
Church of St Andrew, to the Christ the Saviour Cathedral,
formerly bombed and where reconstruction is nearly complete; to
the Moscow Theological Academy and the Holy Trinity-Sergius
Lavra, where the Presiding Bishop venerated the Relics of St.
Sergius. Discussions with the Department of External Church
Relations, led by the Presiding Bishop and Metropolitan Kyrill,
focused on five topics:
1.The recent situation in Yugoslavia and the question of how
the two churches can collaborate to develop a common strategy and
even a conference that will promote peace and the avoidance of
such crises as Kosovo in the future;
2.A possible proposal for the re-structuring of the World
Council of Churches in a way that is more fully reflective of the
aspirations and commitments of the various confessional families
that belong to it;
3.The Joint Coordinating Committee and its work for future
relations between the two churches;
4.The next theological dialogue to be sponsored jointly
between the two churches, which should focus on the New
Millennium and better ways to understand and surmount the
ideological differences that seem to exist between East and West;
5.Matters of practical cooperation for the future, such as
the exchange of students.
Overall, the discussions were conducted in the context of
open exchange of views, and much hope for the future and ever-
deepening relationships of the two churches in their friendship
that has existed already for well over a century and began
officially with the establishment of the Russo-Greek Committee by
the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in the year 1862.
The Joint Coordinating Committee had its meeting on 6 July,
and set the dates for its next meeting as 6-10 Mar 2000.
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