From the Worldwide Faith News archives
No Place for Optimism about Future Finances, WCC Told
31 Aug 1999 20:08:45
No Place for Optimism about Future Finances, WCC Told
by Stephen Brown
Ecumenical News Service
GENEVA - The central committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC), the
world's biggest ecumenical organization, has been warned that there is no
place for an "optimistic perspective" about the organization's financial
The moderator of the WCC's finance committee, Bishop Wolfgang Huber, a
leading Protestant from Germany, told the central committee yesterday that
on current figures the WCC was facing a deficit of at least 300 000 Swiss
Francs ($200,000 US) this year, due to a "tremendous decrease" in
contributions by member churches.
Although the finance committee was not yet in a position to present a
budget for 2000, initial figures suggested that there would be further
reductions in contributions by member churches, Bishop Huber said, although
he did not specify any amount.
He said that the WCC's executive committee had instructed staff to make
cuts to bring the deficit down to no more than 50 000 Swiss Francs this
year. There would have to be further cuts in 2000 if no new sources of
income could be found, so that the deficit in 2000 also would not exceed 50
000 Swiss Francs.
However, Bishop Huber, who was presenting an initial report on WCC
finances to the central committee, which is meeting in Geneva until 3
September, said that in 1998 the WCC had made a modest surplus.
(According to the organization's financial report for 1998, which was
distributed to the central committee's 158 members, the WCC's net operating
results, excluding investment income, for last year showed a surplus of
1.229 million Swiss Francs [$811,000 US], compared to a deficit in 1997 of
1.960 million Swiss Francs.)
Bishop Huber also told the central committee that "the majority of
member churches of this council do not pay their membership fees, do not
pay the minimum [amount of 1000 Swiss Francs] which is in the rules."
In recent years, the WCC has been plagued by a series of financial
crises, leading to major restructuring of the organization and staff
reductions in 1998. The former moderator of the WCC's finance committee,
Birgitta Rantakari, told the WCC's Harare assembly last December that the
series of budget and staff cuts, begun in 1991, combined with extraordinary
investment results in 1996, had made WCC financial officials "cautiously
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