From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Church groups receive grant for hunger relief program
NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
10 Sep 1999 15:05:32
Sept. 10, 1999 News media contact: Linda Bloom*(212)870-3803*New York
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) -- A $300,000 grant to establish a nationwide hunger
relief advocate program has been given to the Society of St. Andrew and the
Commission on United Methodist Men.
The grant is from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), whose
chief staff executive, the Rev. Paul Dirdak, recently presented the $150,000
first installment to the Rev. Ken Horne, the society's executive director.
The Commission on United Methodist Men will match the $300,000 grant over a
three-year period, according to Director Joe Harris.
The first stage of the program will involve hiring a full-time paid national
advocate who will work out of the United Methodist Men headquarters in
Nashville. That person will serve as an advocate for the poor, raise funds
for their relief, and establish volunteer ministries in the Nashville area
that will be duplicated nationwide.
Eventually, the two agencies plan to hire a part-time paid hunger relief
advocate for each of the 66 United Methodist annual (regional) conferences.
Another goal is to establish volunteer advocates in each district and local
United Methodist Men's unit. The advocates will work in conjunction with
current hunger-related coordinators and committees within annual
The advocates also will assist with fund-raising through the Society of St.
Andrew and United Methodist Men's "Meals for Millions" partnership.
Early next year, the three partners will be joined by representatives of the
United Methodist Board of Church and Society, the Council of Bishops'
Initiative on Children and Poverty and exemplary annual conference programs
to develop a strategy and coordinate work on hunger and poverty.
More information is available by contacting Ken Bradford at the Society of
St. Andrew, (800) 333-4597 or
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