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Slave redemptions 'no solution' for Sudan says Anglican agency
Worldwide Faith News <>
14 Sep 1999 12:14:58
'Redemption programs' are no solution
to slavery in Sudan, Anglican agency says
TORONTO, September 7, 1999 -- The Primate's World Relief and Development
Fund, the Anglican relief and development agency, is asking parishes
throughout the country not to participate in "redemption programs" that
attempt to help enslaved Sudanese people.
Reports on the re-emergence of slavery in Sudan first appeared about 10
years ago. Since then, some well-intentioned organizations have attempted
to purchased enslaved people in order to then set them free. After
considerable reflection, the PWRDF national committee has taken the
position that this practice is not an appropriate solution.
A bulletin sent by PWRDF to all Canadian Anglican parishes says that
"participating in the buying of human beings contradicts our faith in the
incarnation and belief that all persons are created in the image of God."
As well, the statement adds, there are practical as well as theological
reasons to oppose the "slave redemption" practice.
"Research in the Sudan has shown that the slave redemption programs have
raised the price of slaves, thereby aggravating the problem by creating
another market for slaves. Indeed, one former slave redeemer has said:
'We've made slavery more profitable than narcotics.'"
It is estimated that the 16-year-old civil war in the Sudan has claimed
more than two million lives so far.
The PWRDF involvement in the Sudan dates back to 1971 and has included
financial support for a large number of programs as well as support for the
Sudan Council of Churches in the government-held areas of the country and
for the New Sudan Council of Churches in rebel-held areas.
As well as the bulletin sent to Canadian parishes, PWRDF has prepared a
Sudan Action Kit which includes a number of background, theological and
reflective articles to serve as a basis for reflection and action by
parishes and the public.
The PWRDF is also urging Canadians to pray for the people of the Sudan, to
inform themselves on the situation in that country, to write Canadian
politicians asking for action on the slavery issue, and to support PWRDF
through regular giving so that partners like the Sudanese councils of
churches can continue their efforts against the revival of slavery.
Doug Tindal,
Director of Information Resources,
416-924-9199 ext. 286;
905-335-8349 (residence)
Rob Shropshire, PWRDF Development Team Coordinator,
416-924-9199 ext. 266;
Zaida Bastos, PWRDF Development Associate, Africa/Middle East 416-924-1999
ext. 215
Anglican Church of Canada:
Primate's World Relief and Development Fund website:
PWRDF bulletin on slavery redemption:
Leanne Larmondin * Website Manager
*Anglican Church of Canada*
600 Jarvis St., Toronto ON M4Y 2J6
416 924 9199 ext. 307 *
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