From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Board head objects to proposed constitutional amendment

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 16 Sep 1999 13:44:57

Sept. 16, 1999	News media contact: Joretta Purdue*(202)546-8722*Washington

WASHINGTON (UMNS) - The head of the United Methodist Church's policy
advocacy office is strongly criticizing the Religious Freedom Amendment Act.

The Rev. Thom White Wolf Fassett, top staff executive of the Board of Church
and Society, expressed his opposition to the bill proposed by Rep Ernest Jim
Istook (R-Okla.) on Sept. 15.

"Congressman Istook intends to legislate religion as a matter of policy,"
Fassett said. "This is an action that seeks to trivialize religion for
political gains. At best this act threatens the very religious liberties it
proposes to strengthen."

Fassett termed the congressman's proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution
"unnecessary," saying it calls for religious liberties that people in the
country already possess.

"For someone who believes so strongly in getting government out of people's
lives," Fassett said, it's strange that Istook "would continue to support an
act that not only will have government meddling in religious affairs but ...
would have religious majorities pressing their particular beliefs on
minority religions and nonbelievers."

The agency leader noted that the United Methodist Church has rejected
efforts to make religious beliefs a political issue. He cited its Book of
Resolutions, which objects to any change in First Amendment rights and
affirms "the position that government may not engage in, sponsor, supervise,
aid or lend its authority to religious expression or religious observance."

He proposed instead that people focus their prayers and actions on bringing
social justice to the society - by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked,
housing the homeless, caring for the sick and freeing the oppressed and

Fassett noted that his board is mandated to "speak its convictions,
interpretations and concerns" to the church and the world, but only the
denomination's legislative body speaks for the 8.5 million-member church.
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