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Episcopal Presiding Bishop urges careful reading
From (ENS)
17 Sep 1999 09:11:24
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Griswold urges careful reading of document on authority
by David Harris
(ENS) The senior Anglican on a commission in official
dialogue with Roman Catholics is urging critics to get beyond
emotions and look at the "nuances" of a recent document
suggesting that Anglicans might recognize "the primacy of the
bishop of Rome" some time in the future.
Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold, who co-chairs the group
with Roman Catholic bishop Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, said a recent
publication by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International
Commission (ARCIC) raising the possibility of a role for the pope
as the chief bishop of the two churches is not meant to be the
final word in a discussion. Rather, he said, it is "a vision of a
future reality rather than dealing with complications present
now" in the churches. "It's leaven in the dough."
"The Gift of Authority" was jointly published in the spring
by the two churches and has caused considerable reaction,
especially in the Anglican world. But evangelical Anglicans have
been joined by liberal Roman Catholics in condemning the
statement that calls the pope's authority - known as universal
primacy - a "gift to be shared."
In an interview after ARCIC's recent meeting held outside
Toronto, Griswold acknowledged much of the initial reaction to
"The Gift of Authority" has been negative. But he said some of
that was "emotional." He challenged the churches to look at the
"quite significant nuances" in the text. He said Anglicans have
to consider what kind of papal authority they might accept and
Roman Catholics have to consider what role lay people might have
in governing the church in synods.
Griswold also admitted that most of the nuances concern what
the Roman Catholic Church might consider re-establishing in its
life and governance but he said that was because the role and
authority of the pope has been a clear issue in ecumenical talks
for a long time. "Early on, ARCIC identified universal primacy as
a stumbling block," he said.
Agents of authority
The role of the bishop in synod, which is the center of
Anglican authority, will be important for Roman Catholics to
consider in light of a similar emphasis in their church at
Vatican II, Griswold observed. "How the mind of Christ is
discerned is not merely through episcopal teaching," he added,
but "the whole church, including the laity" is involved.
Griswold also said some people are interpreting authority
too narrowly. "Authority is not seen as a power so much as God's
desire to bring the world to flourishing," he said. It is a
"life-giving" word at the heart of "evangelization, mission and
healing" that gives freedom.
For Anglicans, he said that means the church has to consider
what the agents of authority are. Still experiencing fallout from
last year's Lambeth Conference where a narrower traditionalist
interpretation of Scripture won out over a broader liberal view,
Griswold said that Scripture is authoritative, "but what does
that mean?" He said ARCIC was careful to note that both Word and
Spirit are needed in the life of a community of faith.
He is convinced that the Anglican Communion has to "live the
question of authority corporately" as it explores different forms
of authority and their interrelation.
It was the first time Griswold had chaired the meeting of
the commission. It was also the first meeting of the commission
in Canada. Next year the group meets in Paris.
'Documents aren't enough'
The 18 delegates, plus official observers, discussed initial
reactions to "The Gift of Authority" and considered whether to do
some work on different understandings of the Virgin Mary in their
respective churches. Griswold said the "ecumenical questions of
the Virgin Mary are still on the table" and ARCIC is not
committed to producing a treatise.
Just as important, he said, were some discussions about next
year's meeting of 13 Anglican primates and 13 senior Roman
Catholic bishops. "ARCIC is going to listen very carefully" at
that meeting, Griswold said, also indicating he is one of the
primates who will be present at the closed meeting. But he said
the meeting is important because "out of the affection" that
rises in the relationships forged among participants are
"profound experiences of Incarnation." He added that "documents
aren't enough," that "direct pastoral encounter" often
accomplishes more.
ARCIC was established just after Vatican II in the heyday of
ecumenism in 1966 by Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Ramsey and
Pope Paul VI. It has produced several documents that consider
some of the important connections and differences between the two
--David Harris is editor of The Anglican Journal, newspaper of
the Anglican Church of Canada.
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