From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Upper Room reports misuse of its name

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 21 Sep 1999 13:13:24

Sept. 21, 1999 News media contact: Linda Green**(615)742-5470**Nashville,
Tenn. 10-71B{481}

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS)-Officials at the Upper Room are warning United
Methodists that its name is being used to solicit money for worldwide

According to the Rev. Stephen Bryant, editor and publisher of the Upper Room
and Upper Room Ministries, an organization using the name "Upper Room Fund
Raising Program" is collecting donations for worldwide ministries.

In a Sept. 20 advisory, Bryant alerts the United Methodist Church and its
constituencies that "this organization is not affiliated or associated with
The Upper Room, The Upper Room Ministries or our worldwide ministry in any
manner and that we will not benefit from or receive any donations solicited
by them." The group has been asked by The Upper Room to cease using its

"We regret the unauthorized use of the Upper Room name which may have
confused our customers," Bryant said. 
An international, interdenominational and non-profit ministry of the
denomination, the mission of the Upper Room is to provide resources for
faith development.  The pocket-sized daily devotional guide by the same name
is the most popular resource published by this division of the United
Methodist Board of Discipleship.  
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