From the Worldwide Faith News archives

NCC Presses "Disappeared" Concerns With Clinton

Date 29 Sep 1999 10:28:55

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Email:  Web:
Contact: NCC News, 212-870-2227


Purpose is to Help Find "Disappeared," Some of Whom Are
Still Alive

 September 29, 1999, NEW YORK CITY - Just back from
leading an ecumenical delegation that met with families of
the "disappeared" and their advocates in Uruguay, Argentina
and Chile, (U.S.) National Council of Churches General
Secretary Joan B. Campbell is calling on President Clinton
to open U.S. government files on those three countries that
might help locate the missing - some of whom are still

 The Rev. Dr. Campbell wrote the President and spoke
with him about her concern during his annual breakfast with
U.S. clergy Tuesday morning (Sept. 28).

Some 25 years after nearly 25,000 people were
"disappeared" by repressive regimes in Argentina, Chile and
Uruguay, their families' human rights remain unresolved to
find their dead and to give them a proper burial, or in some
cases to find those "disappeared" who are still alive today
- babies taken from their imprisoned parents and put up for

The Rev. Dr. Campbell spent Sept. 22-26 in Uruguay and
Argentina heading the NCC delegation, whose purpose was to
support the families, human rights organizations and
churches struggling together to find the truth and to
encourage the political will to resolve this outstanding
human and ethical problem.  Other delegation members went on
to Chile for meetings Sept. 27-28 before returning to the
United States.

 In her letter to President Clinton, the Rev. Dr.
Campbell wrote, "The Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo
(Argentina) asked the National Council of Churches of Christ
(USA) to join their efforts to gain much needed information
that might lead to finding their family members.  We join
them in their request to the United States government to
open the files for the period of the military dictatorship.
We believe that these files contain information that would
lead to the reunion of more families.  The opening of these
files will ultimately lead to reconciliation between
government and people."  The full text of Dr. Campbell's
letter to President Clinton follows.

September 27, 1999

President William J. Clinton
The White House

Dear Mr. President:

^From September 22 - 28, 1999 a delegation from the National
Council of Churches of Christ (USA) visited the churches in
Uruguay, Argentina and Chile.  The purpose of our visit was
to focus on the issue of human rights especially the current
status of those persons who were detained or who disappeared
during the military dictatorship in the 70s and 80s.  The
delegation met with families and relatives of the victims
who shared with us their continued pain, agony and
suffering.  These nations and, in fact, the whole of the
international community have been affected by this gross
violation of human rights.  State power was used against the
citizens of Uruguay, Argentina and Chile.  This reality
needs to be addressed if there is to be reconciliation in
the affected nations.  Families have a right to know where,
when and by what hands their loves ones died.  Some are
still alive especially children who where abducted from
their families or born in captivity.  By the untiring work
of the mothers and grandmothers these children are being
identified and families are being made whole again.

The grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo asked the National Council
of Churches of Christ (USA) to join their efforts to gain
much needed information that might lead to finding their
family members.  We join them in their request to the United
States government to open the files for the period of the
military dictatorship.  We believe that these files contain
information that would lead to the reunion of more families.
The opening of these files will ultimately lead to
reconciliation between government and people.  As we have
learned from the South African experience - only the truth
will set people free.  We ask you Mr. President to add your
voice to those who seek the truth.  We ask you to use your
influence to open our files so that the grandmothers might
know their grandchildren.

Many thanks for considering this request.  We look forward
for your positive response.


Joan Brown Campbell, General Secretary


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