From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Statement by the Bishop of Edinburgh, the Most Revd Richard Holloway
Worldwide Faith News <>
29 Sep 1999 12:23:14
ACNS 1896 · 15 September 1999 · Dundee [ACC-11/25]
Statement by the Bishop of Edinburgh
The Most Reverend Richard Holloway
In his Presidential Address to the Anglican Consultative Council, meeting in
Dundee at this time, the Archbishop of Canterbury expressed his disagreement
with my new book Godless Morality. This did not surprise me. The Archbishop
and I come from very different theological traditions, though we always try
to express any disagreements we may have with one another as amicably as
possible. In any case, disagreement is central to the search for truth in
complex areas, such as theology and ethics. I do not wish to offer a major
response to the Archbishop's criticism of my book, but I would point out
that he did not answer the main question the book struggles with: how can we
negotiate necessary change to our ethical systems if we continue to
associate them exclusively with God?
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