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Russian Church of the Nazarene Receives Official Status
"Christian B. Schäffler" <>
02 Oct 1999 06:26:17
October 1, 1999
Adventist Press Service (APD)
Christian B. Schaeffler, Editor-in-chief
Fax +41-61-261 61 18
CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland
Russian Church of the Nazarene Receives Official Status
Moscow, Russia. (APD) Moscow First Church of the Nazarene
has been able to re-register under the new Duma
requirements, receiving official status in accordance with
government guidelines, according to missionary Chuck
Sunberg. This is the first Church of the Nazarene to receive
such status in Russia. Each church must register individually.
Previously, concern had been expressed that new laws would
make it impossible to re-register the churches, possibly forcing
the Church of the Nazarene and other denominations to leave
the country.
Eurasia Regional Director of the Nazarene Church, R. Franklin
Cook, reports, "We thank many who have prayed for this
significant day in the development of our church in Russia. It
has been a long and difficult process, but we know that God
overrules human decisions that would hinder the progress of
His kingdom."
The Church of the Nazarene resulted from the merger of three
independent holiness groups. The denomination is Wesleyan
Arminian in theology and representative in church
government. Nazarenes express their faith through
evangelism, compassionate ministries, and education.
The international denomination has 9 liberal art colleges, two
graduate seminaries, 43 Bible colleges, three schools of
nursing, a teacher's training college, and a junior college. The
church maintains over 15 000 pastors and 600 missionaries in
112 world areas. According to statistical reports from 1997 the
Church of the Nazarene has world-wide over 10 000 local
congregations with 1.3 million members.
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