From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Theological News

Date 21 Oct 1999 20:09:09

    Theological News 
    by Alexa Smith 
SAN ANSELMO, Calif. -"Rising Voices: The Resurrection Witness of New 
Testament Non-Writers" was the inaugural lecture delivered by Antoinette 
Clark Wire Oct. 4 during her installation to the Robert S. Dollar chair at 
San Francisco Theological Seminary.  Wire is widely known for her feminist 
research into the the Biblical oral traditions of New Testament.  Wire 
received her B.D. from Yale Divinity School and her Ph.D. from Clarement 
Graduate School in California. 
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary President 
John Mulder has announced that the institution has created a new 
professorial chair in Bible in honor of its first woman graduate, the Rev. 
Dora Emma Pierce.  Pierce was 49 when the General Assembly of the United 
Presbyterian Church voted to ordain women.  She became the seminary's first 
female graduate in 1961 and was ordained at age 54.  She her graduation 
from Louisville Seminary, the school has graduated 405 women, 318 of whom 
have earned the M. Div. degree. 
RICHMOND, Va. - Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of 
Christian Education has been selected to receive a $773,500 grant from 
Lilly Endowment Inc., of Indianapolis, Ind., to fund theological programs 
for high school-age youth.  "Project Burning Bush" will promote the 
identification of high school students gifted for ministry and provide 
opportunities for them to engage in theological education.  Administered in 
partnership with the Montreat Conference Center in western North Carolina, 
the grant will allow 84 students each year to study theology. 
PRINCETON, N.J. - Princeton Theological Seminary's Chancel Choir, the 
Princeton Chamber Symphony, Princeton Pro Musica and area church choirs 
will join together for a Festival of Hymns to celebrate the new millennium 
at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20, in the Princeton University Chapel.  The 
concert will feature works by Nicolai, Bach, Mendelssohn, Ives, Huff and 
Princeton Chamber Symphony music director Mark Laycock. 

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