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Loren Mead and Bill Andersen Honored

From (ENS)
Date 22 Nov 1999 10:15:44

For more information contact:
Episcopal News Service
Kathryn McCormick


Loren Mead and Bill Andersen Honored by Episcopal Church 

by Lindsay Hardin Freeman

     Directors of the Episcopal Church Foundation commended two 
church leaders for exemplary service at the Foundation's 50th 
anniversary celebration on November 4 in New York City.

     Receiving the prestigious Henry Knox Sherrill Award was the 
Rev. Loren B. Mead, educator, consultant, author and Alban 
Institute founder.  The last person to receive the award was 
President George H.W. Bush at the White House.  Mead was honored 
for his many years of significant contributions to the life of 
the Episcopal Church, especially in the area of congregational 

     Citing Mead as a man "who has in every way given leadership 
and enrichment to countless people inside and outside of the 
Episcopal Church," Foundation President George Allen Fowlkes 
praised Mead for his founding of the Alban Institute and his wise 
counsel with several foundation programs.

     William G. Andersen, Jr., executive director of the 
foundation, was commended for outstanding leadership in a letter 
of recognition from George Fowlkes and Presiding Bishop Frank T. 
Griswold, chairman of the board. "Your leadership has made a 
lasting difference," said Fowlkes. "We commend you for a job well 

     Executive director of the foundation since 1992, Andersen 
was recognized for strengthening the foundation's ministries in 
education, religious philanthropy and leadership development.

     Since 1949, the Episcopal Church Foundation has served the 
Episcopal Church and its members through a wide array of 
services.  Currently, it focuses on three areas: education, 
leadership development and the ministry of planned giving.  
Approximately $25 million is under management by the foundation 
for future work in parishes, dioceses and Episcopal agencies.

--The Rev. Lindsay Hardin Freeman is priest associate at St. 
Martin's-by-the-Lake Episcopal Church in Minnetonka Beach, 

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