From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Notes about People

Date 10 Nov 1999 20:08:12

    Notes about People 
    by Jerry L. Van Marter 
    Philip R. Steer, 79, a longtime staff member of the former United 
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America and father of "Monday 
Morning" magazine managing editor Judy Steer, died Oct. 20 in Seattle of 
    Steer, a graduate of Syracuse University, served for 18 years until his 
retirement as a producer/director in the Multimedia Production Department 
of the Support Agency in the UPCUSA's New York offices.  Among several 
awards he received was a Blue Ribbon Award from the American Film Festival 
for the filmstrip "Crusade Against Hunger." 
    Earlier in his career, Steer served with the American Bible Society, 
the National Association for Mental Health and radio station WVCH in 
Chester, Pa. 
    Predeacesed by his first wife, Marjorie B. Steer, Steer is survived by 
two daughters, Judy Steer of Louisville, Ky., and Terry Steer of Roanoke, 
Va., and his second wife, Mary H. Kruse Steer.  A memorial service was held 
Oct. 30 at Park Shore Retirement Home in Seattle. 
                                  # # # 
    The Rev. Casey Daane, who celebrated his 100th birthday Dec. 7, 1998, 
and who was honored by San Francisco Presbytery at its September 1999 
meeting, died Sept. 23 in Walnut Creek, Calif. 
    A 1925 graduate of McCormick Theological Seminary, Daane served 
pastorates in Montana until World War II, when he served as an Army 
chaplain.  After the war, Daane settled in northern California, where he 
served pastorates in Oakland, Berkeley and Walnut Creek.  Daane continued 
to serve the church up until his death, leading worship and calling on 
residents at a local convalescent hospital and leading activities at an 
Alzheimer Respite Center housed at Grace Presbyterian Church in Walnut 
                                  # # # 
    The Rev. John A. Dallas, pastor of Wekiva Presbyterian Church in 
suburban Orlando, Fla., has written a hymn commissioned by Hospice of 
Lancaster, Pa., for its annual Service of Remembrance. 
    Dallas wrote "We Worship to Recall" in memory of the late Rev. Donald 
C. Wilson, a founder of the hospice movement in Lancaster - one of the 
earliest in the United States - and for many years pastor of First 
Presbyterian Church in Lancaster. 
    The hymn, "We Worship to Recall" (Tune: Yidgal -Leoni): 
    We worship to recall, 
    To honor and to praise 
    With heart and voice, remembering all, 
    Who passed this way! 
    The tug of memory, 
    The whispering of time, 
    Combine to form our harmony 
    Of love divine! 
    We trace the way our life 
    By other lives was blessed, 
    As they endured both joy and strife 
    And did their best! 
    And as we clasp a hand, 
    Or hear each other's song, 
    We, side-by-side, together stand, 
    And are made strong! 
    O God, now undergird 
    The hopefulness You give, 
    And send us, steadied by Your word, 
    Our life to live! 
    Your gift of memory 
    Will help us walk today, 
    And help us walk assuredly, 
    Day after day! 

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